Saturday, July 10, 2004

Well I went to the Kerry/Edwards rally last night. John Kerry, Teresa Heinz Kerry, John Edwards, and Elizabeth Edwards were all there.
It was a long journey to get to this rally. I wanted to take some digital camera pictures of the rally and post them here, but when I called the NM Democrats office they told me no cameras. So I reluctantly and begrudgingly did not bring my trusty digicam. When we did finally get to the rally, nearly everyone had a damn camera! I was so peeved. But wait, back to getting to the rally. We had to leave work early because they asked us to be there at 4:30. So we ended up getting there at like 4:45. We were supposed to park at the University and take the complimentary shuttle buses. Well when we got there there was a line around the block, literally. So we waited in that line for nearly an hour. Lucky John and John were running late.
When we finally got to the place, there was another HUGE line to get into the gates and through security. Finally we were in. We actually got a pretty good spot. We listened to a bunch of local politicians talk, and try to warm us up. People were shouting Kerry, Kerry, Kerry! The reports said there were 8-10,000 people there. There sure were alot, I can tell you that.
Then the event we were all waiting for. John Kerry, and John Edwards came out with both their wives. Elizabeth Edwards talked first, then Teresa Heinz Kerry (who was really a from the heart speaker), and then John Edwards got up and did some really great cheerleading for John Kerry. He is a great speaker and you could really see why Kerry picked him as his running mate. John Kerry then spoke and the crowd was really into what he was saying.
At one point some hecklers in the middle of the crowd held up their flip flops and pounded them together and chanted "flip flop" "flip flop"! Kerry actually stopped and told the crowd that there were some Republicans in the audience. But aside from that the rest of the rally went smoothly. At the end I was somehow able to make my way to the front rail, to about 4 people back from the rail actually. I reached over everyone and was able to shake hands with John Kerry. That was a thrill. This man could one day be president and I was able to shake that man's hand. I waited for John Edwards to come by, but alas he didn't, he went the other way. Oh well maybe next time.
That was pretty fun. Then we decided to walk back to the car instead of waiting in the long line for the bus again.
MMMMM! Did anyone hear about the Ralph Nader and Howard Dean debate? I read about it. Apparently Dean tried in every way he could to convince Nader to drop out of the race.....
I have to go meet my girlfriend right now for a Saturday night of drinking.
To be continued....
posted by digitaljay @ 9:56 PM MST