Tuesday, February 22, 2005
China, Europe, the U.N., and Afghanistan
Short post tonight I am tired.
Looks like things may get a bit dicey again with the U.S. and Europe. Europe is talking about lifting the arms embargo on China. shrub, in Europe, for his "I'm Sorry" tour, warned Europe that the U.S. would not take too kindly to that.
Bush Warns Europe on Ending China Embargo
Oh and the U.N. released a report on Afghanistan.
UN: Afghanistan Could Become Terror Haven
On another note, I am still sad about Hunter S. Thompson's death. Apparently he wanted to become cannon fodder, literally, after his death. Looks like it will be a bizarre funeral. Well its still a miserable time none the less to realize that this voice is now silent. I hope to post some choice quotes from the Doctor in the near future.
Looks like things may get a bit dicey again with the U.S. and Europe. Europe is talking about lifting the arms embargo on China. shrub, in Europe, for his "I'm Sorry" tour, warned Europe that the U.S. would not take too kindly to that.
Bush Warns Europe on Ending China Embargo
Oh and the U.N. released a report on Afghanistan.
UN: Afghanistan Could Become Terror Haven
"Afghanistan remains one of the world's least-developed countries, the United Nations said Monday, warning that the nation which harbored al-Qaida terrorists until 2001 could fail again unless more is done to lift it from poverty.Yes, a ways to go. We must not forget this little country while most of our attention is onward in Iraq, and dare I say Iran. The job is not done in Afghanistan.
However, it [Afghanistan] still has the worst education system in the world, according to the U.N. calculations, which points out that nearly three-quarters of all adult Afghans are illiterate and few girls go to school at all in many provinces."
posted by digitaljay @ 8:59 PM MST