Disconnected Rumblings

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Well it was a long slog, but finally America has begun its move in the right direction.

I hope this is the end of the horrible adulteration of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement, that has plagued this country for the last four to six years. Neo-cons, your time is over, go AWAY.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:54 PM MST


On Sun Feb 11, 07:09:00 PM MST, Blogger DonationTree said...
I must agree with you.

We've won!

political forum
On Fri Feb 15, 01:15:00 PM MST, Anonymous Anonymous said...
I really enjoy reading your blog, it always has great insight. But I am very frustrated with the media’s lack of questions to the presidential candidates about global warming. Now that it is down to just a few candidates I would think that this would be an issue.

Live Earth just picked up this topic and put out an article ( http://www.liveearth.org/news.php ) live earth is also asking why the presidential candidates are not being solicited for their stance on the issue of the climate change. I just saw a poll on www.EarthLab.com that says people care a lot about what their next leader thinks of global warming. Does anyone know of another poll or other results about this subject?

Here is the page where I saw the EarthLab poll: http://www.earthlab.com/life.aspx. This is a pretty legit website; they are endorsed by Al Gore and the alliance for climate protection and they have a carbon footprint calculator. Does anyone have a strong opinion about this like I do? No matter what your political affiliation is or who you vote for this is an important issue for our environment, our economy and for homeland security.

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