Wednesday, September 01, 2004
RNC convention - Day 2 recap
Well what can I say. Last night's Republican convention was hardly as memorable as the first night.
the governator was up first in prime time, and the only thing I can say about his speech is that he seems to think that democrats want this country to be a communist state. Well I can tell you arnie that that just isn't true. We just see the inherent problems that unchecked capitalism has. And we want to make sure that the good people of this fine country have a chance to not be eaten alive by that very capitalism machine that you blindly believe in. - Schwarzenegger: speech transcript
Next up were the Bush twins.
Yeah they are hotties! But you know, they are the spawn of georgie shrub, so I am torn. But seriously they even admitted that they are not political, they just want to support their dad, SOOO there still is a chance that I could be with one of them, because they very well might be democrats and not even know it. Anyways they said nothing of importance.
Finally the first lady spoke.
Yeah, I'm sorry but she has been such a model Stepford wife that I just don't understand how any women could support this woman. I applaud her for being able to go up there and speak, but the times that she has actually spoken up are few and far between. I guess this speech served to make the ole' prez look like a human being. So I really didn't find anything in it very interesting. Although she did say one thing that I feel I should address. - First lady: speech transcript

the governator was up first in prime time, and the only thing I can say about his speech is that he seems to think that democrats want this country to be a communist state. Well I can tell you arnie that that just isn't true. We just see the inherent problems that unchecked capitalism has. And we want to make sure that the good people of this fine country have a chance to not be eaten alive by that very capitalism machine that you blindly believe in. - Schwarzenegger: speech transcript
Next up were the Bush twins.

Yeah they are hotties! But you know, they are the spawn of georgie shrub, so I am torn. But seriously they even admitted that they are not political, they just want to support their dad, SOOO there still is a chance that I could be with one of them, because they very well might be democrats and not even know it. Anyways they said nothing of importance.
Finally the first lady spoke.

Yeah, I'm sorry but she has been such a model Stepford wife that I just don't understand how any women could support this woman. I applaud her for being able to go up there and speak, but the times that she has actually spoken up are few and far between. I guess this speech served to make the ole' prez look like a human being. So I really didn't find anything in it very interesting. Although she did say one thing that I feel I should address. - First lady: speech transcript
"I could talk about the fact that my husband is the first president to provide federal funding for stem cell research."Well you fine folks keep mentioning that like georgie shrub is the first president to have the courage to fund stem cell research, when the fact is that stem cell research was so new that he happened to be the first president in office when funding was recognized to be needed. Big Deal, the fact is that he is seriously slowing the progress of this new science.
posted by digitaljay @ 3:35 PM MST