Friday, October 22, 2004
Want Another Reason?
College Tuitions Rise an Average of 10.5 Percent
If you can't read the article, basically College tuition rose 10.5% this year, and 13% last year, which was a record rise. Meanwhile the rate of inflation is only 2.5%.
Don't like extremely higher College tuition? Vote shrub out!
Tomorrow we go door to door trying to get people to go out to vote. Hopefully we are successful.
Have a good weekend.
If you can't read the article, basically College tuition rose 10.5% this year, and 13% last year, which was a record rise. Meanwhile the rate of inflation is only 2.5%.
Don't like extremely higher College tuition? Vote shrub out!
Tomorrow we go door to door trying to get people to go out to vote. Hopefully we are successful.
Have a good weekend.
posted by digitaljay @ 4:22 PM MST
On Mon Oct 25, 04:11:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...

argh! Ok, Rep Bud, I hope you received my email and will not be upset by my harsh response, but this type of republican speak has me annoyed.
You miss the point. I never claimed that shrub only wanted the rich to go to college. And bringing in what Edwards said about stem cell research and characterizing handicapped people as "lame" is disgusting to all physically impaired people including my little brother! So lets leave that one well enough alone.
Now how is shrub responsible for the tuiton increases? Well the tuiton increases are caused by the fiscal crises of many of our states.
When the state faces a fiscal crisis they have to find some way to alleviate the crisis, and that usually is done by lowering spending, and that means lower assistance to their universities, and higher tuitions.
NOW why are these states in fiscal crisis? Well the overall effect of the economy, and the federal tax cuts are major causes of the fiscal crises for many states. Because tax cuts reduce the state revenue, which leads to the fiscal crisis. And of course the downturn of our economy hurts the state revenue as well.
Our president has made economic decisions, which have hurt this country, not helped it. And so he bears some responsiblity in the record tuiton increases. Everything is connected in this case, our economy, our education funding, etc.
Now what NsA mentions in his comment is not the cause of the tuiton increases, but are yet another example of how this president is not HELPING our young people get a higher education, but HURTING their chance to get a higher education, and that my friend; is BAD POLICY.
You miss the point. I never claimed that shrub only wanted the rich to go to college. And bringing in what Edwards said about stem cell research and characterizing handicapped people as "lame" is disgusting to all physically impaired people including my little brother! So lets leave that one well enough alone.
Now how is shrub responsible for the tuiton increases? Well the tuiton increases are caused by the fiscal crises of many of our states.
When the state faces a fiscal crisis they have to find some way to alleviate the crisis, and that usually is done by lowering spending, and that means lower assistance to their universities, and higher tuitions.
NOW why are these states in fiscal crisis? Well the overall effect of the economy, and the federal tax cuts are major causes of the fiscal crises for many states. Because tax cuts reduce the state revenue, which leads to the fiscal crisis. And of course the downturn of our economy hurts the state revenue as well.
Our president has made economic decisions, which have hurt this country, not helped it. And so he bears some responsiblity in the record tuiton increases. Everything is connected in this case, our economy, our education funding, etc.
Now what NsA mentions in his comment is not the cause of the tuiton increases, but are yet another example of how this president is not HELPING our young people get a higher education, but HURTING their chance to get a higher education, and that my friend; is BAD POLICY.