Disconnected Rumblings

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Well Christ Has Risen!

Ok 2 days later. Where are we now? Well everyone keeps saying that this election was about moral values. Hmmm. What kind of moral values is it to pass ballot iniatives in 11 states to ban gay marriage, and in some cases ban civil unions? What kind of moral values is it to write discrimination into state constitutions? What kind of moral values is it to say to your fellow man that you don't deserve the same rights that I have, you are beneath me?

You know many years ago it was considered moral values to keep slaves, to prevent blacks from voting. This struggle seems alot like the civil rights movement. I don't care what your god damn two thousand year old "book" says! Think for yourselves!!! This book has created much more death, destruction and misunderstanding in this world, than love and peace, I am sorry.

It is time to open your eyes half of America! Opposition to gay marriage, abortion, and embryonic stem cell research, do NOT trump jobs, a good economy, fighting poverty, equal rights, etc. It just doesn't!!!

How moral is it to ignore your fellow man when they are in trouble, when they are wallowing in poverty? How is that moral? How is it moral to worship the corporation? Isn't that against one of the Ten Commandments? Thall shall not worship any other gods.

You know what bible thumpers? You have taken over this country, but I intend to fight for human rights, for a open and caring society that reaches out to the poor and unfortunate in this world, not holds them down to get a better spot for themselves.

Well I hear they have released the final map of the election. Take a look.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:47 PM MST


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