Thursday, February 24, 2005
Putin Vs. shrub!

Analysis: Bush, Putin Debate Free Societies
For those not familiar, shrub and many others have accused Russia of clamping down on democratic freedoms as of late. shrub said that he would confront Putin on this when the two met on shrub's European trip.
"Though cordial as they stood side by side, Bush and Putin addressed serious differences over what the West views as erosion of recent democratic freedoms in Russia.Oh the irony is so thick I can't take it! shrub tries to claim that decisions in his administration are transparent?! Are you f***ing kidding me?! That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! This administration is one of the most secretive United States Presidential administrations I have ever heard of. The irony and hypocrisy just amazes me.
Neither stuck to the script.
'I live in a transparent country,' Bush said at one point. 'I live in a country where decisions made by government are wide open.'
'The implementation of the principles and norms of democracy should not be accompanied by the collapse of the state and the impoverishment of the people,' Putin said at another point.
The leaders were responding to reporters' questions, but their remarks contained implicit criticism of one another's systems and expectations."
Oh and Vladimir's little quip that the implementation of democracy should not cause the impoverishment of the people is great. A little smack in the face of the shrub. I guess he follows our news too, and knows how this president is bankrupting our country.
Seriously folks I won't go off into a scrap tonight but this president's ballooning deficit is a disgrace!!! And anyone, left or right who does not see this are lying to themselves. Its NOT right to mortgage our future, to mortgage our children's future for the selfish greed of today's big businesses. Its NOT right!!!!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:03 PM MST
On Fri Feb 25, 05:26:00 AM MST,
fm_illuminatus said...

That's funny how all you liberals give the president little pet names... mostly those that don't make sense. But then again, most of the things liberals believe don't make sense to anyone that lives outside the "progressive" *cough* reactionary *cough. arg. cough* (really got something going there, the start of a cold?) bubble. You know what it is? I think I'm just alergic to bullshit. Cheerio.
On Fri Feb 25, 05:28:00 AM MST,
fm_illuminatus said...
Btw, I really liked Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. I was absent a favorite movie, but that is one certainly deserving the list.
On Fri Feb 25, 08:59:00 AM MST,
digitaljay said...
Its funny how you conservatives are complete hypocrites, and make no excuses for it. You make it seem like only liberals have names for presidents they don't like. HAHAHAHA!! Don't even try to tell me that you didn't have a name for Clinton, don't even try. As for it not making any sense, ok let me try to break it down for you. His name is Bush, yet he is more like a shrub (a small shitty bush). Ok better now that I have explained it like I would to a 2 year old?
Its amazing that you say you are allergic to bullshit, because this post contained none of it, however most of the things the republican mouthpieces put out are. Ex. Social Security will be better off with adding "private accounts" AHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah and horses would be better off without legs.
Come on, measure with the same stick for god's sakes.
Now as far as Eternal Sunshine, at least there are some things that a liberal and conservative can agree on.
Its amazing that you say you are allergic to bullshit, because this post contained none of it, however most of the things the republican mouthpieces put out are. Ex. Social Security will be better off with adding "private accounts" AHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah and horses would be better off without legs.
Come on, measure with the same stick for god's sakes.
Now as far as Eternal Sunshine, at least there are some things that a liberal and conservative can agree on.
On Sat Feb 26, 01:05:00 AM MST,
fm_illuminatus said...
I don't think you understand, I'm not against making pet names, just ones that don't make any sense. So I'm not a "hypocrite", but I'm glad you've found yet another chance to use the word.
Actually, I didn't want to comment on the post mr "not so anonymous" was because it was out of touch with reality and it spoke for itself on the point. Just so I don't get called a "hypocrite" again, I'm going to have to stick to that decision. (and resist that urge to point out why it's out of touch...)
I seem to remember that when liberals go back on their positions (a former presidential candidate comes to mind) they're just "claifying their point" or "changing with the times" but Republicans doing the same get labeled with the big "H" word, or even worse, get called a "liar". I'm sure after snuggling up with the Mr Clinton (see, no pet name ;) ) for 8 years, you guys are real authorities on the subject of dishonesty.
Actually, I didn't want to comment on the post mr "not so anonymous" was because it was out of touch with reality and it spoke for itself on the point. Just so I don't get called a "hypocrite" again, I'm going to have to stick to that decision. (and resist that urge to point out why it's out of touch...)
I seem to remember that when liberals go back on their positions (a former presidential candidate comes to mind) they're just "claifying their point" or "changing with the times" but Republicans doing the same get labeled with the big "H" word, or even worse, get called a "liar". I'm sure after snuggling up with the Mr Clinton (see, no pet name ;) ) for 8 years, you guys are real authorities on the subject of dishonesty.
On Wed Mar 02, 05:04:00 PM MST,
fm_illuminatus said...
Oh no, don't call the "tribe" on me! Obviously, it's not Mr Jay's quotes that are out of touch, it's the analysis. It's just like Michael Moore saying "None of my facts are false".. well of course not, that's what makes them facts. But the deceptful anaylsis of the facts, Mr Moore, that's the part that's not true. Same goes here. The quotes are obviously true/real. It's the analysis that is problematic.
On Wed Mar 02, 05:09:00 PM MST,
fm_illuminatus said...
Btw, Not so Anonymous, your blog is in... portugese? Just curious, cause that's the blog that comes up.