Thursday, April 21, 2005
The Plan
So what is the plan? Republicans what is the plan for our fine country? You are in nearly absolute power now. So what is the plan. Truly.
Here is what I see.
I see a party, that wants to support, foremost and before all else, BUSINESS. Preferably BIG Business. This seems to dictate all policy. The problem I have with this is that you republicans seem to put business ahead of people. This is wrong, wrong, WRONG!
Business is here to serve the PEOPLE, not a select group of very well to do people. But rather ALL people,
young old,
poor wealthy,
black white,
short tall,
fortunate unfortunate.
ALL PEOPLE! In this country there is no caste system. What a VERY pro business policy framework is doing is creating a society where the middle class is being squeezed out in favor of a neo-class system where the divide between the rich and the poor is more pronounced, and more unfair.
Oh I can hear my Republican friends now saying, "you are talking like a communist". Well you know what, if fairness in society, if helping the downtrodden, if leveling the playing field, if relieving the exploitation of the needy is communist, and anti democratic, then call me a RED BLOODED COMMIE!!!
Because MY values say that helping the least among us is the most important human thing we can do.
So why this attack on the poor, and the middle class? What is the impetus? Help me to understand.
The market.
I understand that your idea, my dear Republican friends, of democracy is that capitalism needs completely free and unfettered business to mature into the "perfect society" you all so invision. But allow me to let you in on something; this system is severely flawed!
If capitalistic systems were allowed to progress without any intervention, the common man would be trampled. If you think this is not important, or is overstated, then you are missing the ultimate point. Step back for a moment, this system was put in place for OUR benefit.
I can not, and I will not understand how you can lose sight of this.
Tomorrow: Part II : Il Manifesto
Here is what I see.
I see a party, that wants to support, foremost and before all else, BUSINESS. Preferably BIG Business. This seems to dictate all policy. The problem I have with this is that you republicans seem to put business ahead of people. This is wrong, wrong, WRONG!
Business is here to serve the PEOPLE, not a select group of very well to do people. But rather ALL people,
young old,
poor wealthy,
black white,
short tall,
fortunate unfortunate.
ALL PEOPLE! In this country there is no caste system. What a VERY pro business policy framework is doing is creating a society where the middle class is being squeezed out in favor of a neo-class system where the divide between the rich and the poor is more pronounced, and more unfair.
Oh I can hear my Republican friends now saying, "you are talking like a communist". Well you know what, if fairness in society, if helping the downtrodden, if leveling the playing field, if relieving the exploitation of the needy is communist, and anti democratic, then call me a RED BLOODED COMMIE!!!
Because MY values say that helping the least among us is the most important human thing we can do.
So why this attack on the poor, and the middle class? What is the impetus? Help me to understand.
The market.
I understand that your idea, my dear Republican friends, of democracy is that capitalism needs completely free and unfettered business to mature into the "perfect society" you all so invision. But allow me to let you in on something; this system is severely flawed!
If capitalistic systems were allowed to progress without any intervention, the common man would be trampled. If you think this is not important, or is overstated, then you are missing the ultimate point. Step back for a moment, this system was put in place for OUR benefit.
I can not, and I will not understand how you can lose sight of this.
Tomorrow: Part II : Il Manifesto
posted by digitaljay @ 9:36 PM MST
On Sun Apr 24, 07:09:00 PM MDT,
Anonymous said...

Don't forget......big business being free while all the people live in a theocracy ruled by extreme Christian Right.