Tuesday, April 12, 2005
DeLay Blame Dems Plan
Ok I am being lazy this week. Sorry.
DeLay Urges GOP to Blame Dems Over Ethics

We need to exorcise the demons!
DeLay Urges GOP to Blame Dems Over Ethics

"House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, hoping to hold support among fellow Republicans, urged GOP senators Tuesday to blame Democrats if asked about his ethics controversy and accused the news media of twisting supportive comments so they sounded like criticism.Way to go ASS! You are SOOO going down! Nothing can save you now. I hope you take all those gay hating, bible thumping, deficit spending, lying, cheating, republican extremists with you!
Officials said DeLay recommended that senators respond to questions by saying Democrats have no agenda other than partisanship, and are attacking him to prevent Republicans from accomplishing their legislative program."
We need to exorcise the demons!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:30 PM MST