Friday, April 01, 2005
DeLay Dead Wrong!
Tom DeLay is biting off more than he can chew. Now that Terri Schiavo has passed away DeLay is setting his sights on the courts.
DeLay Targets Legal System in Schiavo Case
But after the killing of a federal judge's family in the last month, one has to be especially careful of incitement. Tom DeLay is not a conscientious leader, he is possibly inciting violence against federal and state judges. That is not right, no matter WHAT they may rule on any particular case.
So why is Tom DeLay doing this? I believe it is a calculated effort. I think it is not a coincidence that the only branch of government where the Republicans do not have a real control is the judicial branch. So I think this is why for some time now the right has been attacking the judiciary, calling many judges "activist judges" who rule against their right-wing ideology.
So that is why it is vitally important that Democrats retain their filibuster powers to prevent this administration from stacking the courts with far right "activist judges". That's right I am hijacking their language. Deal with it!
Read up on what is happening in the Senate to try to get rid of the filibuster. I think this is a good quote from the article I linked above on this issue.
You know why? Because eventually the Republicans are going to find themselves in the minority, and they won't be too happy when they can not employ the filibuster for something they feel they need to stand against. And that is the point here, if 41 Senators are willing to ban together and filibuster, then most of the time it is a stand that is worth the fight.
In this case it is worth the fight because we can not let the Republicans take control of EVERY branch of our government. They are already removing most obstacles to their ultimate power, working to chip away at checks and balances. It is not right. We need to recognize this, and stand up and say NO, you will NOT dismantle our great country's system of government, they will NOT trample our constitution because it doesn't fit them. We are the people, and WE control the government. Not a select few.
You know for a party that preaches personal responsibility, it AMAZES me, ABSOLUTELY AMAZES me that when it comes to the people in power, there is NO personal responsibility at ALL! Like the report I mentioned yesterday, once again, NO one responsible in this administration, NO!
More on that report to come.
DeLay Targets Legal System in Schiavo Case
"House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Thursday blamed Terri Schiavo's death on what he contended was a failed legal system and he raised the possibility of trying to impeach some of the federal judges in the case.This is wrong on so many levels! First of all this comes off as a physical threat to the judges involved in this case. And may I point out that several of these judges are conservative in their politics.
'The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior,' said DeLay, R-Texas."

So why is Tom DeLay doing this? I believe it is a calculated effort. I think it is not a coincidence that the only branch of government where the Republicans do not have a real control is the judicial branch. So I think this is why for some time now the right has been attacking the judiciary, calling many judges "activist judges" who rule against their right-wing ideology.
So that is why it is vitally important that Democrats retain their filibuster powers to prevent this administration from stacking the courts with far right "activist judges". That's right I am hijacking their language. Deal with it!
Read up on what is happening in the Senate to try to get rid of the filibuster. I think this is a good quote from the article I linked above on this issue.
"'[The filibuster] underscores the genius of the founders of this great nation,' said People for the American Way president Robert Neas. 'It forces Republicans and Democrats to sit down and work things out.'...Yes I know the filibuster has been used for bad things in the past, such as Strom Thurmond using the filibuster to rally against the 1957 Civil Rights act. But that is not a good enough reason to abolish it.
...'I like that my party controls the White House and the Congress,' he [Ted Nonini - Republican firefighter] says. 'But I also know that our democracy works best when both parties are speaking out and being heard.'"
You know why? Because eventually the Republicans are going to find themselves in the minority, and they won't be too happy when they can not employ the filibuster for something they feel they need to stand against. And that is the point here, if 41 Senators are willing to ban together and filibuster, then most of the time it is a stand that is worth the fight.
In this case it is worth the fight because we can not let the Republicans take control of EVERY branch of our government. They are already removing most obstacles to their ultimate power, working to chip away at checks and balances. It is not right. We need to recognize this, and stand up and say NO, you will NOT dismantle our great country's system of government, they will NOT trample our constitution because it doesn't fit them. We are the people, and WE control the government. Not a select few.
You know for a party that preaches personal responsibility, it AMAZES me, ABSOLUTELY AMAZES me that when it comes to the people in power, there is NO personal responsibility at ALL! Like the report I mentioned yesterday, once again, NO one responsible in this administration, NO!
More on that report to come.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:02 PM MST
On Sat Apr 02, 03:06:00 PM MST,
Anonymous said...

Delay is probably the greatest internal threat to democracy and freedom in recent history. I saw this coming ever since he engineered that whole Texas legislative redistricting which basically was nothing but a power-grab by the GOP. The man simply has no respect for the intent behind laws and traditions granting freedom of religion, separation of church/state, civil rights, etc. - I really wonder how he keeps his seat, its scary to think there are whole populations out there that are THIS extreme.
On Mon Apr 04, 10:31:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Well said W11! The fact that he called Homeland Security and told them their was a threat, and to track the plane of the Democrats who fled to Oklahoma to prevent the Republicans from redistricting Texas, is just another testament to that.
He is drunk with power! And disdain for law is what comes from that. He must be brought down!
He is drunk with power! And disdain for law is what comes from that. He must be brought down!