Disconnected Rumblings

Monday, March 21, 2005

shrub in Albuquerque

Well Air Force One touched down in Albuquerque tonight. shrub is here to try to sell his Social Security plan. Problem is, no one really knows what the plan is. Well besides these private accounts that he has mentioned. Once again, this is NOT a solution.

Oh and on the Schiavo case.

Poll: Congress Should Sit Out Schiavo Case

I am not going to say that I know what should be done. In fact I don't think this should be a political issue. To me it is a tragedy, and a personal family matter. Having said that, I think that we should err on the side of life, because death is final. If there is any question or debate, and I am not sure that there is at this point, then we should save the life while this is debated. I know it has already been debated by many over 12 years. So I guess I am saying, I don't know.

I do know that I really don't think I like the Congress taking this up. I just think it is overstepping their bounds. But you know what, I honestly can't say that if there was some issue that I really thought was life and death, and everything had been exhausted, that I wouldn't want Congress to step in.

BUT... For a political party whose talking points used to also contain the mantra of States Rights, I think it is interesting that these people are now calling for the federal government to basically overrule the state of Florida in this case.

Apparently many people in our country agree that Congress overstepped its bounds too, in polling done this weekend
"About seven in 10 Americans say Congress inappropriately intervened in the case of a brain-damaged woman whose relatives disagree over whether she should be allowed to die, according to a new poll.

About six in 10 said they agreed with the decision by a Florida judge to remove the feeding tube from 41-year-old Terri Schiavo, according to two polls out Monday."
Its unfortunate that this issue has been politicized, but it is. Anyways, I hope that this can be resolved in some way, I just don't know what that way is going to be.

In other news. Palestinians regained control of another West Bank city today.

Palestinians Regain Second West Bank City

So that is good news I think. Hopefully things can continue on this path to peace. However, it is not a good sign that the same day that control of Tulkarm is returned to the Palestinians, that it is announced that a new Israeli settlement will be created in the West Bank. Already there is some discontent in the Palestinians, I just hope that no one breaks the tenuous cease fire.

Oh and apparently a good dentist is hard to find here. I had to get a cavity filled last year and apparently he chipped the edge of my tooth, and now I have a big whole there because the filling fell out. I know you all needed to know that. But oh well now you do.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:19 PM MST


On Fri Mar 25, 11:58:00 AM MST, Blogger digitaljay said...
Yeah the problem with the idea that she may wake up and say that she was aware of all of this is that, that would be ignoring the fact that her cerbral cortex is liquid.

I'm sorry, but that would require faith that the brain really isn't the thing that makes us walk and talk, but soley the soul, and it doesn't need a brain to do that.

But I really don't think that is the case. There is NO WAY in this case that this woman will ever regain conciousness.

But yeah I agree with NsA the true issue here is whether we want our government to make these decisions for us. And I for one do not.

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