Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Frist Comes To Senses

US Senate leader Frist backs stem cell research
"In a rare break with President Bush and Christian conservatives, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist on Friday endorsed legislation to expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research."Wow, I don't know what to say. Ok lets see what Frist actually had to say.
"'The federal government should fund embryonic stem cell research' that uses leftover embryos from fertility clinics, said the Tennessee Republican, a surgeon who may run for president in 2008, in backing legislation already passed by the U.S. House of Representatives that would overturn the limits imposed on the research by Bush in 2001."Well there you go. I don't know if he can survive the backlash that is coming his way now from the right. Especially the Christian Conservatives. Oh my, so I guess I give the man some credit, but I think its still politically calculated anyways.
I wish I could say I think the man is standing up for what he believes in, but seriously I think his team made a calculated decision based on the polls on this issue and decided it was worth the ire he will get from the Christians, to appeal to more of the masses for a possible 2008 Presidential bid.
Let me leave all of my dear readers with this quote that I absolutely never thought I would hear coming out of the mouth of a very conservative Senator.
"'I also strongly believe, as do countless other scientists, clinicians and doctors, that embryonic stem cells uniquely hold specific promise for some therapies and potential cures that adult stem cells just cannot provide,' Frist said, explaining why he believes it is time to change Bush's policies."This one was especially for you Rep Bud, since in our previous "discussions" you have made quite the contrary claims about stem cell research. I'm sorry but political rhetoric cannot get in the middle of this debate. It is irresponsible. There are too many people suffering in this world who can potentially be helped by this research.
If these embryos are just going to be thrown out, there is ABSOLUTELY no way to claim that we should not donate them to this critical research. No WAY!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:54 PM MST
On Wed Aug 03, 04:59:00 PM MDT,
Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back in action...keep up the good work.
On Thu Aug 04, 09:42:00 AM MDT,
rep bud...I think you need to take a look at your own words. The embryo is "dead"...instead of throwing it out, why not use it to help thousands, say millions, of other lives that are in danger? I don't want to fight or be mean, but I happen to think your views on this issue are rather narrow minded. Open your mind to the possilbilities...