Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Quote Coincidence?
So I came across this story in the news.
Pentagon to probe reuse of anonymous quote
But wait a minute, lets take a look at the two quotes, for content, something which the mainstream media seems not to do with this story.
Don't you think it is interesting that this quote is the EXACT same language that shrub has used in many of his speeches, to a tee! I suppose it is just a coincidence that the quote is attributed to an anonymous source right?
Yeah that's it.
Folks we are being LIED to! They are using propaganda, and war pysch tactics on us at home! They are trying to convince us that Iraqis are taking the fight to the terrorists. Maybe some are, but why lie to us? It's not right, its an outrage!
But its ok, no one will notice. Under the radar, not to worry. The media is doing their job of not reporting the news to us.
Pentagon to probe reuse of anonymous quote
"The Pentagon will investigate the use of a quote from an anonymous Iraqi that was issued almost unaltered in a second news release referring to a separate incident, a spokesman said Tuesday.Ok so an interesting screw up right? They mistakenly pulled the wrong quote right?
The investigation will attempt to determine whether the quote was accurate in the first place and whether the military needs to change its procedures and take disciplinary action, said Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita."
But wait a minute, lets take a look at the two quotes, for content, something which the mainstream media seems not to do with this story.
"The military's July 13 release referred to an incident in which children were attacked: "'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the children and all of Iraq,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified. 'They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists.'""Then there is this one:
"The July 24 released referred to an attack in Iraqi security forces: "'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the ISF and all of Iraq. They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified.""So what do we notice about these quotes? Well except the obvious, they are identical, but what else? How about the end of the quote, the part where it says the line ..."I will now take the fight to the terrorists."?
Don't you think it is interesting that this quote is the EXACT same language that shrub has used in many of his speeches, to a tee! I suppose it is just a coincidence that the quote is attributed to an anonymous source right?
Yeah that's it.
Folks we are being LIED to! They are using propaganda, and war pysch tactics on us at home! They are trying to convince us that Iraqis are taking the fight to the terrorists. Maybe some are, but why lie to us? It's not right, its an outrage!
But its ok, no one will notice. Under the radar, not to worry. The media is doing their job of not reporting the news to us.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:18 PM MST
On Wed Jul 27, 03:05:00 PM MDT,
Anonymous said...

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On Wed Jul 27, 06:53:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Hey thanks, I appreciate the support. Glad you enjoy my blog. I will check out your blog.