Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Hump Day Stew
Ah, it is almost upon us.
Ok so what's in the news?
Judge Jails Times Reporter Over Source
For now I will just say this. It's a shame that anyone is going to jail for this. But while I do support the press's right to protect their sources, and I do think that that is essential to have a watchdog press (however neutered that dog is now), but being shielded from contempt for not revealing their sources should be dependent on the case I think.
In this case, the outing of a undercover CIA agent who dealt with WMD proliferation is reason enough to force reporters who are involved in this federal crime to reveal their sources. But I digress.
Army gives $5 bln of work to Halliburton
Republicans want to speed up death penalty
And finally:
Bush Involved in Bike Crash in Scotland
I wonder if they use the term ass clown?
Ok so what's in the news?
Judge Jails Times Reporter Over Source
"New York Times reporter Judith Miller was jailed Wednesday for refusing to divulge a confidential source to a grand jury investigating the Bush administration's leak of an undercover CIA operative's name. Another reporter, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, agreed to talk and avoided jail."Well its getting all hot and heavy here. The rumours are swirling, and I think we will soon find out what some of the details are. I will talk about the rumours when they are more substantiated.

In this case, the outing of a undercover CIA agent who dealt with WMD proliferation is reason enough to force reporters who are involved in this federal crime to reveal their sources. But I digress.
Army gives $5 bln of work to Halliburton
"The U.S. military has signed on Halliburton to do nearly $5 billion in new work in Iraq under a giant logistics contract that has so far earned the Texas-based firm 9.1 billion, the Army said on Wednesday."Well that is great. Good for little old Halliburton, I mean they need a little help, I hear they aren't doing so good lately.
Republicans want to speed up death penalty
"Republicans in Congress have launched a new effort to speed up executions in the United States by limiting the ability of those sentenced to death to appeal to federal courts.I'm sorry this is just not right. We need to err on the side of caution when putting someone to death by state hands. The rate of overturning death sentences makes me quite uneasy as to whether any innocent people are being put to death. I think Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott says it best rather succinctly,
The 'Streamlined Procedures Act of 2005,' introduced into the House of Representatives by California Rep. Dan Lungren and in the Senate by Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl, would limit the ability of defendants facing the death sentence to have their cases reviewed by federal courts in what are known as habeas corpus appeals."
"'The House has been very supportive of anything that would strip the innocent of a fair hearing. This bill will ensure that more innocent people will be put to death,' he [Rep. Scott] said in a telephone interview."Bush says won't base court decision on abortion
"President Bush said on Wednesday he would not choose his Supreme Court candidate based on their position on specific issues such as abortion or gay marriage."Well good, glad to hear it. I'll believe it when I see it. Put up or shutup. Oh right he won, so he gets to just put anyone he wants on the Supreme Court with no advise and consent. Thanks for clearing that up for me Rep Bud.
And finally:
Bush Involved in Bike Crash in Scotland
"President Bush collided with a local police officer and fell during a bike ride on the grounds of the Gleneagles golf resort while attending a meeting of world leaders Wednesday."Wow, I'm sure the other G8 leaders had a good chuckle when shrub showed up to the meeting today.
I wonder if they use the term ass clown?

posted by digitaljay @ 9:18 PM MST