Disconnected Rumblings

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Government Secrets, the New Black

OK so blogger just completely ate my post. And it was a good one. How frustrating. My loyal readers you will be deprived now. So sorry.

Basically here is the gist of what I was saying:

Ok I know it is all the rage these days to increase the amount of government secrecy to a point where any info we actually get is a trickle so that in the future when any bit of information actually is released the wonderful mainstream media will jump for joy at how open and accountable this administration is being to give us this nice little morsel of information.

This country was created to have transparency of government in order for this representative democracy to work. It is time that the mainstream media woke up and realized that what this administration and its cronies are trying to do is remove the very things that this country was created upon, so that it can have free reign to do as it pleases.

So here is the link to the story I was covering in my post.

Lawmakers chide Pentagon over U.N. treatment
"U.S. lawmakers took aim at the Pentagon on Tuesday for hiding information from U.N.-mandated auditors about U.S contractor Halliburton, with Republicans calling it an embarrassment.
'This is a self-inflicted wound, a needless failure to meet transparency obligations,' Rep. Christopher Shays, a Republican from Connecticut, told a U.S. House of Representatives panel.

...An audit by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction found the U.S.-led authority there could not properly account for $8.8 billion of Iraq's money.

Texas-based Halliburton... ...was paid about $1.7 billion out of these funds to bring in fuel for Iraqis under a sole source deal its unit Kellogg Brown and Root had with the U.S. military.

U.N. auditors asked for a full accounting of Iraqi money given to KBR and documents were finally handed over after much wrangling but portions detailing potential overcharges by KBR were blocked out.

'It hid almost every meaningful number or reference to question an unsupported contract cost, the very matters of most concern to them and, frankly, to us," said Shays.'"
Ask yourself one question. What does a subsidiary of Halliburton have to hide in a financial accounting statement?

This is the question that needs to be asked. I hope that this committee gets all the information it has asked for, and if it does not then the media need to shine a light on this.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:25 PM MST


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