Thursday, June 16, 2005
Romney; Welcome to My List

Romney to Back Plan to Ban Gay Marriage
So you ask what would make me say such a thing, as what I said just above? Ok so a little background.
"Gov. Mitt Romney said Thursday he will support a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Massachusetts, the only state where it is legal.So now with that little background, here is the quote that had my feathers all ruffled.
The Legislature was already working on a proposed amendment that would ban gay marriage but also would allow Vermont-style civil unions. The new proposal drops the civil union language, meaning such unions would remain illegal in the state.
Romney previously supported the original amendment proposal, but he said at the time the only reason he did so was because it would ban gay marriage."
"'If the question is, 'Do you support gay marriage or civil unions?' I'd say neither,' Romney said last year. 'If they said you have to have one or the other, that Massachusetts is going to have one or the other, then I'd rather have civil unions than gay marriage. But I'd rather have neither.'"What a F**KING homophobic d***head!! You know its one thing to be against gay marriage, and say that you have nothing against civil unions, since your good BOOK doesn't say anything about that. But its another thing entirely, a whole other level, to say that you would prefer NEITHER gay marriage, OR civil unions, and to say it TWICE in this quote.
To basically say to all gay people, "go F*** yourselves! You are not worthy of being recognized as people. You are lower than dirt!" I think I have heard that before, and it sounds alot like some other evils in our past. It amazing that we are willing to repeat it because The Book says to.
Can we not see that the damage and destruction that this good book and all its incarnations have caused FAR outweigh its positive effects? Stop taking the thing literally for God's sakes! Its been distilled and translated for centuries, how can you take it literally?
Wake up people!
This IS the same as the persecution of the Jews in Germany.
This IS the same as the racism directed at African Americans before and during the civil rights movement.
This IS a recipe for hate leading to immoral behavior.
Wake UP!!
posted by digitaljay @ 2:54 PM MST
On Thu Jun 16, 05:44:00 PM MDT,
Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that you are now officially my hero. I worship you.