Friday, June 10, 2005
Odds and Ends

Public Broadcasting Targeted By House
"A House subcommittee voted yesterday to sharply reduce the federal government's financial support for public broadcasting, including eliminating taxpayer funds that help underwrite such popular children's educational programs as 'Sesame Street,' 'Reading Rainbow,' 'Arthur' and 'Postcards From Buster.'It wouldn't be so disturbing if recent events had not made it seem that Republicans had it out for PBS.
In addition, the subcommittee acted to eliminate within two years all federal money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- which passes federal funds to public broadcasters -- starting with a 25 percent reduction in CPB's budget for next year, from $400 million to $300 million."
"Several denounced the decision by the panel, which has 10 Republicans and seven Democrats, as payback by a Republican-dominated House after years of complaints from conservatives who see liberal bias in programs carried by the Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio."The problem is our media is more and more controlled by huge corporate interests. I think that is a huge part of the media problem. Revoking federal funding for public broadcasting could very well eliminate the one oasis in this corporate controlled desert that is the news media, and broadcasting in general.
Then there is this:
GOP Chairman Walks Out of Meeting
"The Republican chairman walked off with the gavel, leaving Democrats shouting into turned-off microphones at a raucous hearing Friday on the Patriot Act.
The House Judiciary Committee hearing, with the two sides accusing each other of being irresponsible and undemocratic, came as President Bush was urging Congress to renew those sections of the post-Sept. 11 counterterrorism law set to expire in September."

And last but not at ALL least:
Poll: Bush Job Approval Dips to New Low

"When it comes to public approval, President Bush and Congress are playing 'how low can you go.' Bush's approval mark is 43 percent, while Congress checks in at 31 percent, an Associated Press-Ipsos poll found."Keep FALLING buddy! You are after all, a horrible, horrible president.

posted by digitaljay @ 6:25 PM MST