Disconnected Rumblings

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Filibuster Saved, Stem Cell Bill

Ok another missed Monday post. Please forgive me, my dear loyal readers. I am here today to write about the deal that was struck last night to avoid the "Nuclear Option".

Filibuster deal surprises leadership
"The compromise, which would prevent any changes to Senate rules for the remainder of the 109th Congress, appeared to have caught the leaders of both parties by surprise. But Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) quickly embraced the agreement, noting that it resembled many of the offers he had extended to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) during months of negotiations.

'Checks and balances have been protected,' said Reid, who had worried that a new Supreme Court nominee could be confirmed over the strong objection of the minority. 'The integrity of the Supreme Court has been protected from the undue influence of the vocal, radical right wing.'"
Well ok, so here are the facts. Seven Senators from each party struck this deal on Monday night. There are some good things for the Democrats, and some not so good things. First of all obviously is that we have preserved the Filibuster in the Senate so that the minority rights are not destroyed. The role of the Senate remains as it has been for a long time. An institution that gives the minority a voice.

Now, also of course some not so great things. First three of shrub's nominees that up until this point have been filibustered by Dems because they are judged to be too extreme, will now have up or down votes in the Senate, probably starting tomorrow. So obviously that is not what the Dems were necessarily looking for. They also agreed that the filibuster will only be used for judge nominees, in "extraordinary circumstances". Whatever that means. I am not really sure, who will decide if a particular case is an extraordinary circumstance.

But none the less, the most important thing is that the Republicans, and more importantly the extreme right wing of the Republican party cannot have carte blanche in selecting the next Supreme Court judge. This is of utmost importance. And I think I will leave that as the last word on this issue tonight.

Now on to the stem cell debate.

House Votes to Ease Stem Cell Restrictions
"Ignoring President Bush's veto threat, the House voted Tuesday to lift limits on embryonic stem cell research, a measure supporters said could accelerate cures for diseases but opponents viewed as akin to abortion.

Bush called the bill a mistake and said he would veto it. The House approved it by a 238-194 vote, far short of the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a veto."
No shrub the bill is not a mistake, it is called compassion for the living. Your culture of life extends in odd directions. It gives more protection and help for a group of cells than it does to a living breathing human being. Your culture is far from one of life. Its more like a culture of control.
"Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said the embryonic research bill would force taxpayers to finance 'the dismemberment of living, distinct human beings.'"
GOD you are F**KING STUPID! This bill would do nothing of the sort. Dismemberment of living distinct human beings?????? Are you kidding me?! This bill allows for the use of embryos that would otherwise be thrown away from fertility clinics. You would rather these embryos be thrown away in spite than to be donated to science to possibly help your fellow man? What the hell is wrong with you?! God I'm so sick of this bullsh*t rhetoric, of the far right wing nuts! You will be brought down.

Go ahead, get drunk with power, you will soon have the political hangover of your LIFE.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:04 PM MST


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