Friday, May 20, 2005
Ok why is shrub just so wrong on nearly everything? Why? I don't understand this.
Bush Vows to Veto Stem Cell Legislation
The House has a bill circulating that would, "...lift Bush's ban on using federal dollars to do research on embryonic stem cell lines developed after August 2001."
But ah, shrub has threatened to veto any such bill. What I can't understand is that many Republicans are coming to their senses and realizing that the majority of Americans want embryonic stem cell research to be funded so advances can be made more readily, yet that doesn't deter shrub from being completely stubborn and unwilling to compromise on his ridiculous position.
One point here, this bill is a bi-partisan bill. Drafted by both Republicans and Democrats, and made to compromise some of the more "sticky" points. For instance the bill would "...not allow the cloning of embryos or embryo destruction. Instead, it would let government-funded researchers work with stem cells culled from embryos left over from fertility treatments."
And as the bill's Republican co-sponsor points out,
So open your eyes bubble boy! You are in charge of a Democracy, you are not a dictator, you work for US!! We are telling you we want to work to try to help people with diseases and conditions.
Don't veto possible life saving treatments away because you think its better to throw unused embryos out then to have the great injustice of donating them to science.
Bush Vows to Veto Stem Cell Legislation
The House has a bill circulating that would, "...lift Bush's ban on using federal dollars to do research on embryonic stem cell lines developed after August 2001."
But ah, shrub has threatened to veto any such bill. What I can't understand is that many Republicans are coming to their senses and realizing that the majority of Americans want embryonic stem cell research to be funded so advances can be made more readily, yet that doesn't deter shrub from being completely stubborn and unwilling to compromise on his ridiculous position.
One point here, this bill is a bi-partisan bill. Drafted by both Republicans and Democrats, and made to compromise some of the more "sticky" points. For instance the bill would "...not allow the cloning of embryos or embryo destruction. Instead, it would let government-funded researchers work with stem cells culled from embryos left over from fertility treatments."
And as the bill's Republican co-sponsor points out,
"'The bottom line is when a couple has decided to discard their excess embryos, they are either going to be discarded as medical waste or they can be donated for research,' [Rep.] Castle said.This I just don't understand. I have written about this issue many times before, so I will not go on and on about the possible benefits, and how wrong it is to impose ones own moral views on an entire democratic society even when a majority sees no moral issue in that particular matter.
[Rep.] DeGette protested too. 'It's disappointing that the president would threaten to use his first veto on a bill that holds promise for cures to diseases that affect millions of Americans,' DeGette said. 'Support for expanding federal stem cell research in an ethical manner remains strong in Congress.'"
So open your eyes bubble boy! You are in charge of a Democracy, you are not a dictator, you work for US!! We are telling you we want to work to try to help people with diseases and conditions.
Don't veto possible life saving treatments away because you think its better to throw unused embryos out then to have the great injustice of donating them to science.
posted by digitaljay @ 7:00 PM MST
On Sat May 21, 03:18:00 PM MDT,
Anonymous said...

Hey, if anyone wants to help -- we're building a new effort to fight back on stem cells:
Enough is enough. Time to fight back.
Enough is enough. Time to fight back.
On Tue May 24, 11:43:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Thank you for that link, I will take a look at it.