Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Pakistan catches al Qaida number three
Scary eh? Yeah not a great picture.
"Pakistan says Abu Faraj Farj al Liby, whom it has said is a Libyan, was the ringleader behind at least two assassination attempts against President Pervez Musharraf in December 2003...So all you conservatives who claim us liberals are all nay sayers, and that we don't ever admit victories for this president, EAT IT!
...'Al Liby is a top general for (Osama) bin Laden. He was a major facilitator and a chief planner for the al Qaeda network'... ...President Bush said Wednesday, before going on to praise Pakistan."
So that brings me to this question after reading this article.
Nicholas D. Kristof | Day 113 of the President's Silence
"Incredibly, the Bush administration is fighting to kill the Darfur Accountability Act, which would be the most forceful step the U.S. has taken so far against the genocide. The bill, passed by the Senate, calls for such steps as freezing assets of the genocide's leaders and imposing an internationally backed no-fly zone to stop Sudan's Army from strafing villages."Mr. President, WHY have you failed to do anything more about the crisis in Darfur?
Why, when you yourself have called these acts of extreme violence genocide, have you not acted with such conviction and urgency that you did in sending our troops to Iraq?
To my readers, if there still are any left, why have we all not demanded that we help to do something, ANYTHING, to stop the killing?
The current estimates of the number of dead range from 150,000 to nearly 400,000. How can we ignore this? Have we not learned from our past? Our RECENT past? If anyone saw Hotel Rwanda you know what I am talking about with renewed relevance and timeliness. The final death toll of the genocide in Rwanda was nearly 1 MILLION! 937,000 to be more precise
Rwanda census puts genocide death toll at 937,000
Part of the reason why the death toll reached this unspeakable cost is because the rest of the world turned a mostly blind eye to the tragedy in Africa. We MUST not do it again.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:30 PM MST