Disconnected Rumblings

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Plan: Part II

"Il Manifesto"

Ok so now that we have established the unfortunate reality that the republican party stands FIRST for big business, atop the shoulders of the lower and middle class, where does this take us for the future?

Wait, stop, let me point something out in that last sentence. My clever visualization about "big business atop the shoulders of the lower and middle class" was not just a witty play on words, it has quite the profound meaning. See, without the lower and middle class, the big business, the corporate elite, would not be where they are today. That is what is missing in this republican agenda, the acknowledgement that big business stands atop the shoulders, of the lower and middle class.

When a tightrope walker is taught to walk that tight rope, they are taught to respect the rope, to never do ANYTHING that would affect that rope adversely and consequentially affect the balance of the tightrope walker, and cause him or her to fall to their possible death. So WHY do big business and their lobby make it policy to treat the lower and middle class as nothing more than dirt beneath their feet? Why? Do they not know that this will be their downfall?

Ok ok, so now the second prong of the republican "Plan" for America is a society where their idea of family, their idea or morality (bent), and their idea of religion is what we base our government and our laws on.

But ah... let me point out the key fallacy here, the almost wanton disregard for logic and reason. The societies that we are currently seeking to dismantle almost universally have as their main tenets the idea of a society, a government, a rule of law that is completely or at least mostly based on religious doctrine. So someone please tell me how it is that we cannot see by example the failure of such governing, or rather the side effects of such a society, and seek not to follow in its destructive footsteps.

The basic philosophy of the republican party is to ease regulations on corporate "morality" and at the same time severely increase the regulations, or rather restrictions and government intervention in the private lives of Americans, when it comes to their idea of "morals".

Why is it that they must work to relax environmental laws at the same time they work to tell us what gender we should marry?

Why is it that they must work to remove our right to sue polluters or bad doctors, and at the same time they work to remove a woman's right to chose what she does with her body?

Why is it they must work to remove monopoly prevention policy with respect to one company owning nearly all tv or radio stations in a market, at the same time that they work to try to censor television and radio, broadcast, and now cable and satellite, to satisfy their idea of morality and decency?

Why? Surely if enough people were paying attention they would see what is going on here.

Soon: Part III: Il Manifesto
posted by digitaljay @ 9:28 PM MST


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