Thursday, June 09, 2005
Political Soup
Ok, get ready for the whirlwind. Today I am going to quickly hit on several political topics. Ok here we go.
White House defends editing of climate reports
Well I don't think anyone should be surprised by this. I mean this administration just keeps saying that there is not enough information on this global warming "theory", and uses that claim as an excuse for inaction. Its disgusting.
Morally reprehensible.
NEXT: A Defeat For Users Of Medical Marijuana
Sorry folks, you can have all the Oxycontin, and Zoloft, and ambien, and prozac, and Valium, and Vicodin, and ....
But you CAN'T have any marijuana so that you have an appetite while you are going through chemo and radiation treatment. I mean come on, no company controls the distribution of Marijuana, I mean you can grow it in the ground! So there is no patented formula. Yeah sorry folks.
NEXT: Democrats vow to stand firm in blocking vote on UN nominee Bolton
John Bolton is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America. Mark my words! It is a grave mistake to have this man be our representative to the United Nations.
And furthermore, who does shrub think he is? An equal branch of government (the Legislative branch, ie. the Senate) has asked for information. It is your obligation as a member of another branch of our government (the executive branch) to provide that information in order to not stifle our government process. You disgust me! I can't believe you are in office still.
You are a horrible horrible president, and you are moving us more and more towards a consolidated power of government into one extremely powerful executive branch. And best of all, you are doing this under the nose of most of America, without them having any idea.
Well I am watching!
AND FINALLY: Bush pushes Congress to renew anti-terrorism law
Are you KIDDING me?!?!?!?! You DARE to say that this law has defended our liberties?! This law has, in one fell swoop, harvested our most precious civil liberties that we have had since the founding of this fine country! While this law has a few needed reforms to help to better protect us from terrorist attack, it has MANY MANY more that can only be described as a desperate and devious attempt to regress our sacred liberties in order to do what I don't dare to think of.

White House defends editing of climate reports
"The New York Times reported Wednesday that Philip Cooney, chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, changed descriptions of climate research approved by government scientists.
The Times said that Cooney, a lawyer and former lobbyist with the American Petroleum Institute, made notes on drafts of reports issued in 2002 and 2003, removing or adjusting language on climate research."

Morally reprehensible.
NEXT: A Defeat For Users Of Medical Marijuana
"The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the medical marijuana movement yesterday, ruling that the federal government can still ban possession of the drug in states that have eliminated sanctions for its use in treating symptoms of illness."

But you CAN'T have any marijuana so that you have an appetite while you are going through chemo and radiation treatment. I mean come on, no company controls the distribution of Marijuana, I mean you can grow it in the ground! So there is no patented formula. Yeah sorry folks.
NEXT: Democrats vow to stand firm in blocking vote on UN nominee Bolton
"An up-or-down vote on John Bolton's controversial nomination to become Washington's UN ambassador will be blocked indefinitely, unless the White House produces classified documents about the nominee, the US Senate's top Democrat said.
Speaking on CNN television Thursday, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said he had made his demands clear to US President George W. Bush, who so far has yet to comply.
'The president is obstructing the vote on John Bolton,' Reid said. 'We've told him what we wanted. The ball is in his court,' Reid said."

And furthermore, who does shrub think he is? An equal branch of government (the Legislative branch, ie. the Senate) has asked for information. It is your obligation as a member of another branch of our government (the executive branch) to provide that information in order to not stifle our government process. You disgust me! I can't believe you are in office still.
You are a horrible horrible president, and you are moving us more and more towards a consolidated power of government into one extremely powerful executive branch. And best of all, you are doing this under the nose of most of America, without them having any idea.
Well I am watching!
AND FINALLY: Bush pushes Congress to renew anti-terrorism law
"President Bush urged the U.S. Congress on Thursday to renew major provisions of the USA Patriot Act and rejected critics who have complained the post-Sept. 11 anti-terrorism law erodes civil liberties.
The Patriot Act was approved by overwhelming margins in both the House of Representatives and the Senate in the tense weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, but civil liberties groups and some members of Congress say the law has gone too far, putting American freedoms in danger.
'The Patriot Act has not diminished American liberties. The Patriot Act has helped defend American liberties,' Bush said."

"Sen. Russell Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, accused Bush of presenting a 'false choice' by focusing his speech on parts of the Patriot Act that are not controversial and glossing over areas where lawmakers say it could be improved.EXACTLY. Enough said!
'He once again ignored bipartisan concerns about the Patriot Act, and presented a false choice to the American people -- that we have to reauthorize the Patriot Act without any changes or leave our country vulnerable to terrorist attacks,' he said."

posted by digitaljay @ 9:00 PM MST