Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Wolfowitz Shows Up at World Bank

"Wolfowitz takes the reins of the globe's largest lender to poor countries amid lingering reservations over his role as the architect of the U.S. war in Iraq."Here's hoping Wolfowitz and his hair can actually do some good over at the World Bank.
Oh and then there is the Amnesty International report.
ABC News: Cheney Offended by Amnesty Int'l Report
Well I'm offended by this administration's actions with regards to detainee treatment and with their refusal to accept any responsibility for maintaining an environment where this sort of disdain for the Geneva Convention is accepted.
I'm done for tonight. Tomorrow is a mayoral debate for Albuquerque mayor candidates. I might report on this local race tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:37 PM MST