Thursday, June 23, 2005
The Devil
So Rove made some comments recently only miles from ground zero in downtown Manhattan.
W.House rejects apology for Rove's Sept. 11 remarks
We love our country, we cried just as much as Republicans did when those buildings came down. We were so devastated, just like everyone else in this country. We lost loved ones in those buildings just like you Republicans did! We will never be the same EVER EVER EVER EVER AGAIN just like you Republicans.
To politicize this horrible horrible tragedy just makes me sick. It made me sick when shrub did it during his campaign, and it makes me sick that you, Karl Rove, you satanic bastard, continue to do it now.
NYC mayor, Bloomberg said it pretty well:
But let me just say this. What don't you understand about liberals saying that we need to understand why they hate us? Why they did this? Have you not heard one of the oldest proverbs: "Known thine enemy." ? Why is this so hard for you to understand? This does not mean that we want to offer "therapy" for these barbaric killers. It means if we want to have a chance to defeat these terrorists, then we need to know why they are doing this so that we can defeat them from the root.
W.House rejects apology for Rove's Sept. 11 remarks
"Speaking to the Conservative Party of New York State on Wednesday night, Rove said: 'Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers.'"F*** you Karl Rove, what you are doing is hurting our country. You are seeking to further divide our country, to demonize people in this country who land on the left side of the spectrum. And its NOT RIGHT!
We love our country, we cried just as much as Republicans did when those buildings came down. We were so devastated, just like everyone else in this country. We lost loved ones in those buildings just like you Republicans did! We will never be the same EVER EVER EVER EVER AGAIN just like you Republicans.

NYC mayor, Bloomberg said it pretty well:
"In New York, Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg, citing the families and survivors of those killed in the hijacked airliner attacks, said, 'No one has ever raised issues of ideology or partisanship.'YES yes we do! You are a bastard!
'We owe it to those we lost to keep partisan politics out of the discussion,' Bloomberg said."
But let me just say this. What don't you understand about liberals saying that we need to understand why they hate us? Why they did this? Have you not heard one of the oldest proverbs: "Known thine enemy." ? Why is this so hard for you to understand? This does not mean that we want to offer "therapy" for these barbaric killers. It means if we want to have a chance to defeat these terrorists, then we need to know why they are doing this so that we can defeat them from the root.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:22 PM MST