Friday, July 01, 2005
Let the Showdown Begin

O'Connor Retires From Court After 24 Years
"Sandra Day O'Connor stepped down unexpectedly from the Supreme Court on Friday, closing out a career as the first female justice and the anchor of a shaky majority for abortion rights.I fear this is going to get very ugly.
President Bush pledged to name a successor quickly as the costliest confirmation battle in history took shape."
This is one of the most important decisions for the direction of our country. The Supreme Court exercises increasing influence in our society, ie. the 2000 Presidential winner, the Eminent Domain ruling. And the future could bring a revist of Roe V. Wade.
Yes this is VERY important for ALL of us.
posted by digitaljay @ 8:02 PM MST
On Sat Jul 02, 12:07:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...

HAHA. Ok you have been begging for me to reply to your comments. So ok I will.
I can get over it, it doesn't change the fact that it is a tragedy that that man became the president of the greatest country, the U.S. of A.
Now judicial activism. What a joke, the new republican buzz word. Its just right wing hack code for judges who offer rulings that conflict with the official right wing agenda.
It is ridiculous. It is an attempt to neuter the power of the judiciary because as of yet that is the last branch of government that the right doesn't control.
So really it is about dismantling the checks and balances that make this 3 branches of government system work. With ALL its flaws.
The judiciary branch MUST be able to operate independently of political pressure. So what the leaders of the republican party are doing by undermining the authority of select judges they disagree with is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
I can get over it, it doesn't change the fact that it is a tragedy that that man became the president of the greatest country, the U.S. of A.
Now judicial activism. What a joke, the new republican buzz word. Its just right wing hack code for judges who offer rulings that conflict with the official right wing agenda.
It is ridiculous. It is an attempt to neuter the power of the judiciary because as of yet that is the last branch of government that the right doesn't control.
So really it is about dismantling the checks and balances that make this 3 branches of government system work. With ALL its flaws.
The judiciary branch MUST be able to operate independently of political pressure. So what the leaders of the republican party are doing by undermining the authority of select judges they disagree with is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
On Sat Jul 02, 12:20:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Wow you are still going.
Ok to reply to your second comment. No I don't agree with what Durbin said. But the difference between what Durbin stupidly said and what Karl "Satan" Rove said is that Rove was attacking ME, liberals. Durbin was making a stupid comparison. So don't try to muddy the waters.
But on to Gitmo. One thing you seem to be forgetting, and one thing that the right seems to be forgetting in general is this.
I don't have a problem with interrogating the terrorists who are trying to kill us. But you miss one cricital point. And it is the same argument I have with the death penalty, (in MOST cases); if ONE person who is innocent is killed by our hands then it is unacceptable. So did it ever occur to you that we are torturing people who very well may be innocent because there is NO due process.
There is no way for us to know what the evidence on these people are. Do you realize that some of these people were turned in by warloards who got paid by someone who was an enemy of the person they turned in?
Do you realize that some of these people were ripped out of their houses, without any oversight, to see just whether this person actually was out to KILL us?
Being ham handed is not an excuse that exonerates us morally. We have to be above them. And this MAN. GW is bringing our moral authority to a new low. We must rethink HOW we are fighting this war on terrorism.
Ok to reply to your second comment. No I don't agree with what Durbin said. But the difference between what Durbin stupidly said and what Karl "Satan" Rove said is that Rove was attacking ME, liberals. Durbin was making a stupid comparison. So don't try to muddy the waters.
But on to Gitmo. One thing you seem to be forgetting, and one thing that the right seems to be forgetting in general is this.
I don't have a problem with interrogating the terrorists who are trying to kill us. But you miss one cricital point. And it is the same argument I have with the death penalty, (in MOST cases); if ONE person who is innocent is killed by our hands then it is unacceptable. So did it ever occur to you that we are torturing people who very well may be innocent because there is NO due process.
There is no way for us to know what the evidence on these people are. Do you realize that some of these people were turned in by warloards who got paid by someone who was an enemy of the person they turned in?
Do you realize that some of these people were ripped out of their houses, without any oversight, to see just whether this person actually was out to KILL us?
Being ham handed is not an excuse that exonerates us morally. We have to be above them. And this MAN. GW is bringing our moral authority to a new low. We must rethink HOW we are fighting this war on terrorism.
On Sun Jul 03, 07:16:00 PM MDT,
I rarely post comments but I do read this blog regularly, however, on this issue I must comment.
As you say this is going to get ugly, and here is what is going to happen:
Naturally, "W" is going to nominate some right-wing hack who will further the religious right's aspirations of total domination - freedom and democracy be damned.
Of course (at least I hope so) the Dems will adamantly resist forcing the Reps to use the nuclear option.
The Dems either walk out of both houses of Congress in protest or otherwise freeze the government.
....and that is where it will get ugly......The President either has the choice to nominate someone we all can live with or, as I suspect he will, through a controversial nomination risks destabilizing our entire Republic (again, I don't think the religious right would mind since they seek a theocracy in any case).
Hopefully none of this comes to pass and this is resolved in a less volatile fasion.
As you say this is going to get ugly, and here is what is going to happen:
Naturally, "W" is going to nominate some right-wing hack who will further the religious right's aspirations of total domination - freedom and democracy be damned.
Of course (at least I hope so) the Dems will adamantly resist forcing the Reps to use the nuclear option.
The Dems either walk out of both houses of Congress in protest or otherwise freeze the government.
....and that is where it will get ugly......The President either has the choice to nominate someone we all can live with or, as I suspect he will, through a controversial nomination risks destabilizing our entire Republic (again, I don't think the religious right would mind since they seek a theocracy in any case).
Hopefully none of this comes to pass and this is resolved in a less volatile fasion.