Thursday, July 07, 2005
Happy Anniversary!

Well in case all my dear readers didn't know today is the one year anniversary of Disconnected Rumblings. It was one year ago today that I published my first post.
"Here I am againWell we all know how that ended up. Oh well the fight must go on. And that is why I continue to write here.
Nothing much to say. I have started a blog here, not sure if I am going to keep it or not. I might make one of my own, on my site; not sure. I wonder how this presidential race is going to shake out. I really think the democrats have a chance, but Bush/Cheney are very fierce.
Ralph Nader is quoted as saying that he would like Kerry to pick Edwards as VP because he thinks Edwards would work for the underprivileged in the whitehouse. Of course this is exactly what Nader's platform is. So here is my suggestion: Kerry should meet with Nader and tell him that he will make him the Surgeon General, or Health Minister in his Administration, should he win, if Nader agrees to throw his support behind the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Now I think that would get most of the Greens and Independents who are currently in the Nader camp, and that just might make the difference. ...Just a thought..... "
I planned a lavish celebration post today, but with the events in London I have decided to scale that back. First, in case you haven't heard yet, which I can't imagine,

"A series of bomb attacks on London's transport network has killed more than 30 people and injured about 700 others.This is terrible. I send my heartfelt condolences to the people of the United Kingdom, and especially to the people of London.
Three explosions on the Underground left 35 dead, two died in a blast on a bus and another died later in hospital."
I woke up this morning and immediately heard the terrible news. It took me a few moments, but I slowly realized that my friend Sue, who now lives in London, very well could have been on one of those trains. I initially brushed it off with disbelief, but then I felt a wave of worry crash over me. I quickly got out of bed, went to my computer to see if she was online. She was, and to my relief she had written me a message while I slept telling me that she was alright. I tried to write her back but I have not heard back from her. I hope she made it home alright.
So truly a tragic day. I really hope that we are doing everything we can to make our country safer from terrorist attack. I think we have a long way to go, and this is a reminder that we must quickly address our shortcomings. Things like inspecting ALL cargo going onto airplanes, like inspecting shipments arriving at our ports, protecting our nuclear and chemical plants, etc. We must address these things immediately.
Well back to Disconnected Rumblings one year anniversary. What has changed in this last year? Hmmm. Well the obvious, John Kerry lost. Republicans gained seats in the House and Senate. The media brought the life of Terri Schiavo to the nation's consciousness. We had a Supreme Court Justice step down. We had the situation in Iraq become more violent, but also a new government was born from free elections held in the last year.
Yes alot has happened. I intended to rip the Right wing today for this one year anniversary, but I don't think it is appropriate right now. So let me just say this.
The fight is still going, the fight is still worth it.
I will not give up, and neither should all of you.
Thanks to all for reading Disconnected Rumblings for the past year. Here's hoping for many more years to come.
Thank You.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:00 PM MST