Disconnected Rumblings

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

And now for a real scare! shrub nominated another person to the supreme court today.

Bush nominates Alito to Supreme Court
"President George W. Bush nominated Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court on Monday in a move that set up a showdown with Democrats but placated conservatives who bitterly rejected his last choice."
Well it looks like shrub wants a fight to solidify his base again. Ok a fight he is going to get. From what I have seen so far this Alito guy is so conservative he is actually to the right of Justice Scalia and Thomas.

I mean this guy dissented in overturning a Pennsylvania law which required women to notify their husbands if they were going to have an abortion. Do you not see where this is headed? How long does it take you bastards to understand that we don't WANT our government to legislate our private lives!? Leave us the f**k ALONE!! Don't tell us who to marry, don't tell us what to do with our own bodies, just stop it! Legislate to protect us from corporations, to protect us from foreign threats, to protect us from dangers of society.

Folks if you don't want our rights and liberties to be severely changed then we must not allow this nominee to pass. The republicans claim they don't like activist judges. The truth is they are only activist judges to them if they go against their ideology. The truth is THIS man is an activist judge, a conservative activist judge, and America can't afford to have him as a justice in the top court in the country for LIFE.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:29 PM MST


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