Monday, October 03, 2005
Supreme Court Nominee

Court Nominee Has No Judicial Experience
"President Bush named White House counsel Harriet Miers to a Supreme Court in transition Monday, turning to a longtime loyalist without experience as a judge or publicly known views on abortion to succeed Justice Sandra Day O'Connor."Well we'll see how this goes. Already it seems that shrub has pissed off his conservative base. Oh well, f them he doesn't care, not like he has to be re-elected again. This nominee does seem to be a corporate crony. So cheers for her, we'll see if she will back the common man over the corporate interests.
Oh and in other news:

"A Texas grand jury on Monday re-indicted Rep. Tom DeLay on charges of conspiring to launder money and money laundering after the former majority leader attacked last week's indictment on technical grounds.Run Tommy boy RUN!
The new indictment, handed up by a grand jury seated Monday, contains two counts: conspiring to launder money and money laundering. The latter charge carries a penalty of up to life in prison. Last week, DeLay was charged with conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws."
posted by digitaljay @ 5:57 PM MST