Disconnected Rumblings

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So I didn't mention before I left that we were going to Denver. Well I am back and out of the political loop now. I saw today that at the same time Congress is debating extending tax cuts including the tax cuts on dividends and capital gains, they are also going to vote to up the national debt limit for the fifth time since shrub has been in office.

Senate, House begin talks on tax cut bill
"Congressional negotiators on Wednesday began negotiations on a $70 billion tax cut package that Republican leaders are insisting include an extension of tax breaks for capital gains and dividends."
Likely Vote to Up National Debt Looms
"Senate Republicans cast symbolic campaign-season votes Wednesday to increase spending for border and port security - one day before a likely vote to increase the national debt by an additional $781 billion, to $9 trillion.

The uncomfortable vote to increase the debt is the fourth since President Bush took office"
Speaks volumes about this government and its utter failure.

At least people seem to be finally catching on.

Poll: Bush approval at 33 percent
"President George W. Bush has hit a new public approval low in the Pew poll, with just 33 percent of adults saying they approve of his performance in office."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:46 PM MST


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