Disconnected Rumblings

Saturday, April 28, 2007

About Sums It Up

Yeah this about says it all. It sums up what people on my side of the fence are concerned about this war and what this administration has done.

Saudis: Foiled plot mirrored 9/11 attack
Sheik Majed al-Marsal, a religious adviser to the Saudi Interior Ministry, told the independent Al-Watan newspaper that he believes Iraq has become the new Afghanistan.

Terror groups "are exploiting the situation in Iraq, recruiting young men, equipping them and training them and then sending them back to work inside their home countries just like what happened in Afghanistan," the cleric was quoted as saying.
What we are doing in Iraq is NOT making us safer, simply put, it is making us less safe, and I begin to wonder just what shrub is trying to do.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:04 PM MST


On Tue Jul 10, 04:01:00 PM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah, lets leave Iraq and just wait till they bring it here, then the USA will be the next Afghanistan. Would that make you happy?
On Tue Sep 11, 01:08:00 PM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...
After all the time that has passed since 911, things can get distorted and out of perspective. So on a day like this, 6 years to the day of the horrific attacks against the US, we need reminders. We should watch videos like this:


It puts things into the proper perspective.
On Sun Sep 28, 07:06:00 AM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...
John McCain has made it clear that if he is elected he will attack Iran for Israel. See the future consequences of this in the fascinating new historical novel “Clash of the Gods” which is now on www.amazon.com and www.clashofthegods.com. Sarah Palin, of course, is an Evangelical who thinks we have to destroy all the ‘infidels’ in the Middle East to make way for the Second Coming.

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