Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Wow, lots of links and other things

Caption(from truthout.org): On Friday George W. Bush, facing questions from reporters about his close personal relationship with indicted former Enron CEO Ken Lay, simply walked off stage rather than respond.(Photo: Paul J. Richards / AFP)
Ok I have been reading alot of stuff on the web in the last day and have wanted to post links here for some of these stories. I have so much to say, but not alot of time to say it, so look for an update post today sometime.
t r u t h o u t - Fearing 'Powers That Be,' CIA Fell for 'Curveball'
This story is a scary inside look into just how our government gets its intelligence and then uses it as reason to launch a war against a country killing thousands of innocent civilians and over 900 of our fine American soldiers to date! I can't tell you how angry this makes me. I have completely lost all trust in our ability to lead the world when we use such shoddy intelligence to start such a costly war. If we do not kick Bush out of office in 2004 then this country truly is lost. I will make it my mission to get as many people to look at what is truly going on, not just what the mainstream media is showing you.
t r u t h o u t - Richard Hetu | Dick Cheney's Fear
This just showcases the type of "leader" this man, Dick Cheney, is. Despicable if you ask me, but then maybe you didn't.
t r u t h o u t - Bob Herbert | The Real Enemy Staring Us in the Face
This article brings up a good point. Its down in the article several paragraphs in.
If we know that bin Laden and his top leadership are somewhere along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and that they're plotting an attack against the United States, why are we not zeroing in on them with overwhelming force? Why is there not a sense of emergency in the land, with the entire country pulling together to stop another Sept. 11 from occurring?
Why are we not more serious about this?
When Tom Ridge gave us our latest warning, and it included the fact that Osama Bin Laden is most likely in the tribal mountainous region of the Pakistan/Afghanistan border and that he is directing another huge attack on our soil, I was alarmed! First of all if Bush is so great on protecting this country as he claims in his campaign and tv ads and pretty much every time he speaks, then how in the HELL can he just sit there when there is a warning that includes what I just mentioned and not send out as many troops as he can to this region to try and get this guy once and for all?!
I want an answer. I want an answer now. If there is any proof that this war in Iraq is completely misguided than it surely has to be in this question and the probable answer to it from this administration.
Ok calming down, and going back to media and how I believe it is affecting our perception of world events. There is a new documentary out called Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism. For those not into media ownership, Rupert Murdoch owns Fox Television among MANY MANY MANY other media holdings throughout the world, mostly concentrated in the US though. He of course owns Fox News, which many claim to be the most partisan news channel or rather news source in modern times. This movie is trying to highlight this fact to the public so they are at least aware of the bias and can actively decided their views on the news with that knowledge. Watch the trailer here(windows Media Player), or here(Quicktime).
Ok that is it for now I must get back to work. Look for more later on today.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:20 AM MST