Disconnected Rumblings

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Guess the Quote Source Game Back Again

You know what time it is. It's time for Guess the Quote Source Game!!! What a name I know, but hey what do you want? Ok ready?

"And the question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam (Hussein) worth? And the answer is not that damned many."
Ok if you guessed John Kerry, you would be wrong!

If you guessed Bill Maher, SORRY! Wrong!

If you guessed Al Sharpton, NOOOOOPE!

If you guessed Dick Cheney, the current Vice President of the United States of America you would be RIGHT!!!!!

Bush-Cheney flip-flops cost America in blood

The rest of the quote(that would have given it away):
"And the question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam (Hussein) worth? And the answer is not that damned many. So, I think we got it right, both when we decided to expel him from Kuwait, but also when the president made the decision that we'd achieved our objectives and we were not going to go get bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq."
Cheney gave this speech in August of 1992 when he was Secretary of Defense under the first bush. He was talking about why at the end of the first Gulf War we did not continue on to Baghdad and take out Saddam.

So ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you, another Hypocrisy Moment from the Dick!

Man! This guy is loaded with hypocrisy! It amazes me. First he supports the prez's RIDICULOUS anti-gay, anti-human rights Constitutional Amendment (yeah I am looking at you Rep Bud!), even though he has a lesbian daughter, and now this. Oh and I am sure he has many more hypocritical moments, I don't have time to remember them ALL.

Get these bastards out of office on November 2nd!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:02 AM MST


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