Disconnected Rumblings

Friday, September 17, 2004

You know you're in trouble when...

...high profile Republican senators come out to slam your handling of the current war.

USATODAY.com - Senators slam administration on Iraq

As I mentioned in an earlier post, which linked to the following article:
AlterNet: War on Iraq: The Thief of Baghdad, reconstruction funds have been seriously mishandled.

From this article from late August:
"In over a year, the CPA had managed to spend just 2 percent of the $18.4 billion earmarked for the immediate reconstruction of Iraq. And not a penny was spent on the two areas where the Iraqi people were suffering the most: healthcare or water and sanitation."
Now this just irks me. shrub asked for this money to help reconstruct Iraq and supply the troops, and he refused to go along with Democrats, INCLUDING John Kerry when they asked that some of these funds be a loan, or that we roll back the tax cuts on people making more than $200,000 a year to pay for this money. But yet now that they have it, it is not being spent on reconstruction hardly at all. Meanwhile Halliburton is making out like a THIEF!

So now fast forward to today.
"Among those harshly criticizing the White House at a hearing were the two top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Chairman Richard Lugar of Indiana and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska."
WOW, those are two popular Republican senators! What did they say?!
"Of the $18.4 billion Congress approved last year for Iraqi reconstruction, only $1.1 billion has been spent because of violence and other problems. Hagel called that record 'beyond pitiful and embarrassing; it is now in the zone of dangerous.'

Even Lugar, who is not usually given to strong rhetoric, said the failure to inject funds into the Iraqi economy quickly was 'exasperating for anybody looking at this from any vantage point.'"
Well I agree with the senators completely it is "beyond pitiful".
"Hagel told two State Department officials they had 'inherited a mess' from a year of Pentagon-supervised government in Iraq and expressed doubt that the United States was winning the war. 'It's not a pretty picture,' he said."
No no it isn't. This ladies and gentlemen is incompetence at the highest level.

Vote him out in November!
posted by digitaljay @ 6:58 PM MST


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