Friday, September 10, 2004
End of the week
Finally, its the end of the week. Tomorrow is the 3rd Anniversary of the attack on our country of September 11th 2001. That is a tough reminder for me. There is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded in some way of that horrible day in September of 2001. Not a DAY goes by. But tomorrow will be especially hard. I will have more to say about this tomorrow.
Back to politics, this week was a crazy week. It started with Cheney saying that if we vote wrong in November we are going to be attacked again. And it ended with the mainstream media buying the charges that the Killian documents may be faked. Really what a week.
Also people, don't fall into believing what the media is hyping about the polls and how Kerry is behind. The polls are a very variable thing, they fluctuate much over time. And we just don't know how accurate they are in this unprecedented election. I suspect that we will have an incredibly high voter turnout, so all these normal formulas for figuring out who is a likely voter, etc. may not really be as accurate as they like. And if Kerry is ahead in the polls by 2-4 points soon I will still say the same thing, don't believe them.
The important thing is to not lose hope and think that anything is a lost cause. Keep fighting! We WILL take this country back!
Back to politics, this week was a crazy week. It started with Cheney saying that if we vote wrong in November we are going to be attacked again. And it ended with the mainstream media buying the charges that the Killian documents may be faked. Really what a week.
Also people, don't fall into believing what the media is hyping about the polls and how Kerry is behind. The polls are a very variable thing, they fluctuate much over time. And we just don't know how accurate they are in this unprecedented election. I suspect that we will have an incredibly high voter turnout, so all these normal formulas for figuring out who is a likely voter, etc. may not really be as accurate as they like. And if Kerry is ahead in the polls by 2-4 points soon I will still say the same thing, don't believe them.
The important thing is to not lose hope and think that anything is a lost cause. Keep fighting! We WILL take this country back!
posted by digitaljay @ 8:55 PM MST
On Sat Sep 11, 08:40:00 AM MDT,
Anonymous said...

Put a fork in him folks, Kerry is done. He's as much of a liar as Clinton just not as good at it. Plus with CBS rushing fabricated documents into the news how can he hope to have a real chance? The Killian docs are bogus and you know it. Don't let you're rabid hatred of Bush blind you totally. Kerry is unfit to be President and lies from CBS won't change that fact.
On Mon Sep 13, 06:06:00 PM MDT,
What a stinging rebuttal this is, full of eloquence and reason! To wit;
"sad sad ignorant fool. Its not ok if clinton lies, its not ok if kerry lies, but if Bush lies you turn a blind eye."
I am neither sad nor ignorant. In fact I am very happy indeed as kerry the duplicious slides in the polls my spirit soars and my faith in the people is nenewed. At least you had the good sense not to deny that Kerry lies. But if you take a stand in favor and against EVERY position I guess you don't "lie." What is even better is that Saddam's weapons are beginning to show up. Did you know that US forces have discovered Saddam's entire Air Force burried in the desert? They have also found a very limited number of chemical and biological shells. I think they were artillery shells but some may have been mortor rounds. So far less than two dozen have turned up but you know what they say about NBC weapons; " bet you can't buy just one!"
"yea, if you say so. Everything rushed in to make kerry look bad is real and 100% factual, everything rushed in to make Bush look bad is 0% factual and pure conjecture."
Once again, no rebuttal here. Just the attempt to ridicule. Funny how 87% of the 527 group money goes to leftist organizations and not a peep of protest is heard from the main stream media but let the truth come out about a candidates war record and all you -know-what breaks loose. Did you know that the majority of the vets that have signed up to support Swift Vets for Truth are NOT registered republicans? I don't think the majority are democrat but the mix is very interesting. Truth hurts.
" I don't hate anybody. It seems you are the one with hatred. When are you gonna realize that you are holding this country back and will ruin it for everyone"
Sad that we each think the other is a hater. It is not hatred but rather(not Dan Rather)political discourse. I do not hate Kerry. I do however disagree with him. Strongly. And I will actively work to see him defeated in Nov. As for Bush (Georgie shrub to some folks), I think he has done a great job since 9/11 and will continue to do so in the war on terrorism. And I know Bush is the way to move this country forward, not back to the 9/10 mindset!
"sad sad ignorant fool. Its not ok if clinton lies, its not ok if kerry lies, but if Bush lies you turn a blind eye."
I am neither sad nor ignorant. In fact I am very happy indeed as kerry the duplicious slides in the polls my spirit soars and my faith in the people is nenewed. At least you had the good sense not to deny that Kerry lies. But if you take a stand in favor and against EVERY position I guess you don't "lie." What is even better is that Saddam's weapons are beginning to show up. Did you know that US forces have discovered Saddam's entire Air Force burried in the desert? They have also found a very limited number of chemical and biological shells. I think they were artillery shells but some may have been mortor rounds. So far less than two dozen have turned up but you know what they say about NBC weapons; " bet you can't buy just one!"
"yea, if you say so. Everything rushed in to make kerry look bad is real and 100% factual, everything rushed in to make Bush look bad is 0% factual and pure conjecture."
Once again, no rebuttal here. Just the attempt to ridicule. Funny how 87% of the 527 group money goes to leftist organizations and not a peep of protest is heard from the main stream media but let the truth come out about a candidates war record and all you -know-what breaks loose. Did you know that the majority of the vets that have signed up to support Swift Vets for Truth are NOT registered republicans? I don't think the majority are democrat but the mix is very interesting. Truth hurts.
" I don't hate anybody. It seems you are the one with hatred. When are you gonna realize that you are holding this country back and will ruin it for everyone"
Sad that we each think the other is a hater. It is not hatred but rather(not Dan Rather)political discourse. I do not hate Kerry. I do however disagree with him. Strongly. And I will actively work to see him defeated in Nov. As for Bush (Georgie shrub to some folks), I think he has done a great job since 9/11 and will continue to do so in the war on terrorism. And I know Bush is the way to move this country forward, not back to the 9/10 mindset!
On Mon Sep 13, 08:07:00 PM MDT,
I appreciate your prayers and I assure you that they are working. Based on the latest polls the country is heading in the "right" direction. As for the latest jibjab, let us begin:
"Every person lies in their life. Pretty sad though when Bush lies about numerous topics, you just brush it off"
Once again, do we agree or are we talking in circles? You say Bush lies. I say he did not. Several weeks ago many argued that Saddam had NO WMD. Now we have come to agree that Saddam HAD them but no one seems to know where he PUT them. The only time i recall anyone claining that they knew where tany weapons were was when C. Powell addressed the UN and offered the over head sat photo's of mobile weapons labs(sites? - sorry, don't remember the exact word usage)I would agree that EVERYONE does lie but I do not think Bush LIED to get the US involved in the Iraq war.
As for alleged lie # deux. Did you know that several al queda terrorists were captured in Iraq after the fall of Bahgdad? Did you know the terrorisat responsible for the Achille Loral(sp) highjacking was captured in Iraq? Is this one of those facts that I am ignoring? This is a link to terrorists. By the way, just as a little aside; Gen Tommy Franks who prosecuted the war in Iraq, sums up our continued fighting there as an "away game" meaning that all the action is "over there" as opposed to on the streets of NY, Chicago or Houston. Please do not blast the use of the term "game" I am well aware that war is no game but the phrase works very well to convey the idea. The war in Iraq has everything to do with terrorism. The thugs and animals planting car bombs and lobing mortors are not freedom fighters. They are murderers. They kill indiscriminately. Women and children are frequently their victims. saddam supported these people. He hid these animals from justice. He offered training sites and equipment. He offered logistical and financial help. Does saddam have to come to NY himself and kill someone for you to believe that he has a hand in terrorism?
"Every person lies in their life. Pretty sad though when Bush lies about numerous topics, you just brush it off"
Once again, do we agree or are we talking in circles? You say Bush lies. I say he did not. Several weeks ago many argued that Saddam had NO WMD. Now we have come to agree that Saddam HAD them but no one seems to know where he PUT them. The only time i recall anyone claining that they knew where tany weapons were was when C. Powell addressed the UN and offered the over head sat photo's of mobile weapons labs(sites? - sorry, don't remember the exact word usage)I would agree that EVERYONE does lie but I do not think Bush LIED to get the US involved in the Iraq war.
As for alleged lie # deux. Did you know that several al queda terrorists were captured in Iraq after the fall of Bahgdad? Did you know the terrorisat responsible for the Achille Loral(sp) highjacking was captured in Iraq? Is this one of those facts that I am ignoring? This is a link to terrorists. By the way, just as a little aside; Gen Tommy Franks who prosecuted the war in Iraq, sums up our continued fighting there as an "away game" meaning that all the action is "over there" as opposed to on the streets of NY, Chicago or Houston. Please do not blast the use of the term "game" I am well aware that war is no game but the phrase works very well to convey the idea. The war in Iraq has everything to do with terrorism. The thugs and animals planting car bombs and lobing mortors are not freedom fighters. They are murderers. They kill indiscriminately. Women and children are frequently their victims. saddam supported these people. He hid these animals from justice. He offered training sites and equipment. He offered logistical and financial help. Does saddam have to come to NY himself and kill someone for you to believe that he has a hand in terrorism?
On Tue Sep 14, 02:56:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
just to chime in late here. Anonymous, from what source do you get your info that weapons were found in Iraq? I have not heard that, and I read ALOT of news. I would think that something like that would make the top of the news. Unless you are talking about the weapons that were disposed of per the agreements made AFTER the first Gulf War. In that case, your argument falls pretty flat, because we all knew that this was the case, in fact that was what he was ordered to do. So please let me know where you glean this info.
Also to add another lie to Bush's LONG roster of under reported lies, how about when, during his 2000 campaign, he said he supported the ban on assualt weapons and would renew it if he was in office, and now he refused to move congress to do just that? Is that good enough?
Not enough? How about some more?
LIE: "[B]y far the vast majority of my tax cuts go to the bottom end of the spectrum." [Source: George W. Bush, 2/15/00]
TRUTH: "The top 20 percent of earners received 69.8 percent of President Bush's tax cuts. [Source: CBPP, 4/23/04, p. 17]"
Read the site, there is plenty more.
Anyways, now to address earlier fodder. To say that the Killian documents are fake and you know it, is to early.
Read that. Looks like all the things you shrub lovers have clinged to to defend this man are not true.
Typewriters used then DID have proportional spacing
DID have superscript
DID have Times Roman font
etc. Wow it amazes me that when the true facts come out about your side's claims, that they are just ignored. Anyways.
Anonymous you say that you think shrub has done a good job since 9/11. Well I'm sorry but I must obviously disagree. The greatest gift we humans have is the ability to process large amounts of info and see a big picture. Now having said that, please try to picture this. We go into Iraq, against the the opinions of a majority of the world, and we remove Saddam. Now we fail to secure the country when we take it over, in fact according to many sources, we had NO plan for once we arrived in Baghdad. Now chaos starts to ensue. While it is great that we got rid of saddam, can you not see how we are POSSIBLY breeding more hatred and resentment towards us by the actions we have taken, the innocent lives we have killed? And that in the future, we will actually have created MORE terrorists who will attack us? While yes we have not been attacked again yet, do you really want to use that as a measuring stick in whether this stage of the war on terrorism (Iraq) is actually working?
The idea is to defeat the causes of these terrorists. Don't let them have any fuel to recruit new people. That is the best way to defeat them. And you know what we are not John Wayne or Clint Eastwood, we can't "go it alone". We need the help of all of the civilized world.
And you know, because I am tired of writing, this will be my last point. You mention that Iraq had these links to terrorists. While these links were very tenuous indeed, Hussein was a secularist, and these islamic fundamentalist terrorists hated secularism, the fact is, if we should get invade all countries that have ties to terrorism so to speak then we should have immediately invaded SAUDI ARABIA.
Ask yourself why the White House classified 27 pages of the report to the House-Senate Intelligence panel. 27 pages that the head of that panel, Senator Bob Graham says points the finger at Saudi Arabia. This is another of the reasons why I think this war on terrorism is not being faught correctly, and it is endagering us further. I don't like when politics trump foreign policy and national defense and that is EXACTLY what I believe this administration is doing!
Saudi Arabia has a very brutal regime:
Three Saudi security guards beheaded:
Anyways I am done.
Also to add another lie to Bush's LONG roster of under reported lies, how about when, during his 2000 campaign, he said he supported the ban on assualt weapons and would renew it if he was in office, and now he refused to move congress to do just that? Is that good enough?
Not enough? How about some more?
LIE: "[B]y far the vast majority of my tax cuts go to the bottom end of the spectrum." [Source: George W. Bush, 2/15/00]
TRUTH: "The top 20 percent of earners received 69.8 percent of President Bush's tax cuts. [Source: CBPP, 4/23/04, p. 17]"
Read the site, there is plenty more.
Anyways, now to address earlier fodder. To say that the Killian documents are fake and you know it, is to early.
Read that. Looks like all the things you shrub lovers have clinged to to defend this man are not true.
Typewriters used then DID have proportional spacing
DID have superscript
DID have Times Roman font
etc. Wow it amazes me that when the true facts come out about your side's claims, that they are just ignored. Anyways.
Anonymous you say that you think shrub has done a good job since 9/11. Well I'm sorry but I must obviously disagree. The greatest gift we humans have is the ability to process large amounts of info and see a big picture. Now having said that, please try to picture this. We go into Iraq, against the the opinions of a majority of the world, and we remove Saddam. Now we fail to secure the country when we take it over, in fact according to many sources, we had NO plan for once we arrived in Baghdad. Now chaos starts to ensue. While it is great that we got rid of saddam, can you not see how we are POSSIBLY breeding more hatred and resentment towards us by the actions we have taken, the innocent lives we have killed? And that in the future, we will actually have created MORE terrorists who will attack us? While yes we have not been attacked again yet, do you really want to use that as a measuring stick in whether this stage of the war on terrorism (Iraq) is actually working?
The idea is to defeat the causes of these terrorists. Don't let them have any fuel to recruit new people. That is the best way to defeat them. And you know what we are not John Wayne or Clint Eastwood, we can't "go it alone". We need the help of all of the civilized world.
And you know, because I am tired of writing, this will be my last point. You mention that Iraq had these links to terrorists. While these links were very tenuous indeed, Hussein was a secularist, and these islamic fundamentalist terrorists hated secularism, the fact is, if we should get invade all countries that have ties to terrorism so to speak then we should have immediately invaded SAUDI ARABIA.
Ask yourself why the White House classified 27 pages of the report to the House-Senate Intelligence panel. 27 pages that the head of that panel, Senator Bob Graham says points the finger at Saudi Arabia. This is another of the reasons why I think this war on terrorism is not being faught correctly, and it is endagering us further. I don't like when politics trump foreign policy and national defense and that is EXACTLY what I believe this administration is doing!
Saudi Arabia has a very brutal regime:
Three Saudi security guards beheaded:
Anyways I am done.
On Tue Sep 14, 08:04:00 PM MDT,
Digit, did you even read the entire story you linked to. They point out all sorts of problems with the "memo" but you have to read past the Dan Blather. The "typewriter" that CBS says was "widely used" wasn't. It was reported this morning the the only example CBS could come up with was a high end IBM Selectric typwrier that sold to the US government for $4,000.00 +. In 1972! The average IBM Seletric sold for around $450.00 to the government.Do you really think an Alabama National Guard unit had a typewriter that would cost almost $15,000 in todays dollars. I was in the Guard from 1988 to 1993 and we had 6 typewriters in the unit. Only 4 were electric.
As for the source of the chemicals captured I heard it first reported on the Neal Boortz show. This was shortly after they found the road side bomb with serin gas in it. I do not remember his source but I'm fairly sure he didn't make it up. Fairly sure.
" the actions we have taken, the innocent lives we have killed? " What innocent lives are we killing? The three thousand from 9/11? The thousands of kurds? The thousands that are being dug out of mass graves? Or the HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN in a large public school? Which did we do?
As for the source of the chemicals captured I heard it first reported on the Neal Boortz show. This was shortly after they found the road side bomb with serin gas in it. I do not remember his source but I'm fairly sure he didn't make it up. Fairly sure.
" the actions we have taken, the innocent lives we have killed? " What innocent lives are we killing? The three thousand from 9/11? The thousands of kurds? The thousands that are being dug out of mass graves? Or the HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN in a large public school? Which did we do?
On Thu Sep 16, 07:59:00 AM MDT,
Dear Not so Anonymous,
You are such a complete idiot that I have finally lost all patience. DO you not understand that when you claim that we are killing innocents you are as a minium infering that we are doing so purposely? Has it never dawned on the black horizon of your consciousness that the isolationist polices of nonintervention led to the US Embassy bombings, Kobar tower bombings, World Trade Center bombings and 9/11. I have NEVER claimed or proposed that Bush is perfect and I know damn well the gov't isn't perfect. I've admitted as much in some of the posts on this site. But to compare innocent blood that we spill to the murder that Bin Laden and his kind perpetrate is beyond the pale. I hope you have a nice life.
You are such a complete idiot that I have finally lost all patience. DO you not understand that when you claim that we are killing innocents you are as a minium infering that we are doing so purposely? Has it never dawned on the black horizon of your consciousness that the isolationist polices of nonintervention led to the US Embassy bombings, Kobar tower bombings, World Trade Center bombings and 9/11. I have NEVER claimed or proposed that Bush is perfect and I know damn well the gov't isn't perfect. I've admitted as much in some of the posts on this site. But to compare innocent blood that we spill to the murder that Bin Laden and his kind perpetrate is beyond the pale. I hope you have a nice life.
On Thu Sep 16, 07:59:00 AM MDT,
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
On Thu Sep 16, 08:46:00 AM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Ok Anonymous, I have to set you straight because you are beginning to annoy me. I have read all of your posts on this blog and I have to say that it seem YOU are the idiot. You line of debate seems to always be to put words in other peoples' mouthes and then react with shock at the things we have supposedly said. ENOUGH already.
You have missed the whole point!
"DO you not understand that when you claim that we are killing innocents you are as a minium infering that we are doing so purposely?"
IDIOT, when we claim we have killed innocents we ARE not at a minimum inferring that we are doing so purposely, that is YOU have are inferring that. The point wasn't that us killing innocents is just as bad as them killing our innocents AT ALL. IT is NOT the same thing goddammit! BUT it never dawns on your BLACK horizon that to these terrorists it doesn't MATTER if we are killing innocents on purpose, the fact still is that we are killing them, because of OUR war and that gives them more leverage to recruit MORE TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!
That is NOT making us safer and that is the point! Now stop being an idiot!
You have missed the whole point!
"DO you not understand that when you claim that we are killing innocents you are as a minium infering that we are doing so purposely?"
IDIOT, when we claim we have killed innocents we ARE not at a minimum inferring that we are doing so purposely, that is YOU have are inferring that. The point wasn't that us killing innocents is just as bad as them killing our innocents AT ALL. IT is NOT the same thing goddammit! BUT it never dawns on your BLACK horizon that to these terrorists it doesn't MATTER if we are killing innocents on purpose, the fact still is that we are killing them, because of OUR war and that gives them more leverage to recruit MORE TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!
That is NOT making us safer and that is the point! Now stop being an idiot!
On Thu Sep 16, 10:09:00 AM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Not So Anonymous: the post was a duplicate of the post before it, which is why I deleted it.