Thursday, September 16, 2004
Actual Economic Policy
Well some people have been complaining, "why don't they talk about the issues?" Well ladies and gents John Kerry is, the mainstream media just isn't covering it. So it is very refreshing to read John Kerry's economic plan, one that actually makes sense in the Wall Street Journal. Give it a read.
t r u t h o u t - John Kerry | My Economic Policy
Also tonight Leah and I went to the John Kerry rally. It was good, we got there late so we were way in the back, but after the speech we got to the front and were able to shake hands with Kerry. Wes Clark was there too, he gave a short speech. Overall a good time.
Ok have a good night everybody.
t r u t h o u t - John Kerry | My Economic Policy
"Today, taxpayers spend $12 billion a year to subsidize the export of jobs."...Here's another taste:
..."My plan would take the entire $12 billion we save from closing these loopholes each year and use it to cut corporate tax rates by 5%. This will provide a tax cut for 99% of taxpaying corporations. This would be the most sweeping reform and simplification of international taxation in over 40 years."
"Under my plan, the tax cuts would be extended and made permanent for 98% of Americans. In addition, I support new tax cuts for college, child care and health care - in total, more than twice as large as the new tax cuts President Bush is proposing."How about the deficit?
"I will restore fiscal discipline and cut the deficit in half in four years. First, by imposing caps, so that discretionary spending - outside of security and education - does not grow faster than inflation. If Congress cannot control spending, it will automatically be cut across the board. Second, I will reinstitute the "pay as you go" rule, which requires that no one propose or pass a new program without a way to pay for it."Anyways you should really read the full plan.

Also tonight Leah and I went to the John Kerry rally. It was good, we got there late so we were way in the back, but after the speech we got to the front and were able to shake hands with Kerry. Wes Clark was there too, he gave a short speech. Overall a good time.
Ok have a good night everybody.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:56 PM MST