Monday, September 13, 2004
I don't have time to post I'm busy trying to get dog urine out of a carpet. Any ideas anyone?
Seriously though, the assault weapons ban expired today, anyone have any thoughts on that? It seems to be a partisan issue, but I don't think it should be. I know alot of Democrats who were against the ban and glad it is dying, and I know some(although fewer) Republicans who are for the ban.
I myself am for the ban of automatic weapons, I don't know the specifics of the bill that became the ban, but I heard that there were many flaws in it that would still allow slightly modified automatics and such to be legal, so I don't know. Although I have read statistics that say that violent crime with automatic assault weapons went down in the last 10 years, so I think we should seriously look into redoing this ban.
I don't know if any of you remember the rampages of the 80s and early 90s, such as the one in McDonald's, but it seems to me there hasn't been that many since in the last 10 years. At least not at the rate that they were. But ok, I digress.

Seriously though, the assault weapons ban expired today, anyone have any thoughts on that? It seems to be a partisan issue, but I don't think it should be. I know alot of Democrats who were against the ban and glad it is dying, and I know some(although fewer) Republicans who are for the ban.
I myself am for the ban of automatic weapons, I don't know the specifics of the bill that became the ban, but I heard that there were many flaws in it that would still allow slightly modified automatics and such to be legal, so I don't know. Although I have read statistics that say that violent crime with automatic assault weapons went down in the last 10 years, so I think we should seriously look into redoing this ban.
I don't know if any of you remember the rampages of the 80s and early 90s, such as the one in McDonald's, but it seems to me there hasn't been that many since in the last 10 years. At least not at the rate that they were. But ok, I digress.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:34 PM MST
On Tue Sep 14, 02:14:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...

hey not so anonymous: can't you post anything relevant to dog urine or assualt rifles? Jeez.
j/k ok, yeah this is a wierd election. I hope we start talking about the issues.
j/k ok, yeah this is a wierd election. I hope we start talking about the issues.
On Tue Sep 14, 07:23:00 PM MDT,
Hey Digital, the ban on assualt weapons is NOT a ban on automatic weapons. Automatic weapons ownership has been severely restricted since the 1920's when the gangsters in Chicago used the Thompson Trench broom so effectively against local law enforcement. You can however still own an automatic weapon if you really want to. Just to give you a taste of the rules, if you own any weapon capable of fully automatic fire and you store it in your home the BATFE can come "inspect" the weapon at any time and you MUST let them in. They usually come around 2am. Really.
The ban on assault weapons outlawed many rifles that were military surplus and/or military styled. It targeted items like barrel length, bayonette lugs, ammo clip capacity and flash suppressors to define "assault weapons". Almost every defining feature was cosmetic or ergonomic and simply made the rifles appear "military." These weapons were never the choice of criminals as they are bulky and not easily consealed nor are they well suited for fighting at close quarters. Given all that, there is almost no preban info to suggest that banning such weapons would reduce crime and there is a derth of evidence since the ban to suggest it had any discernable effect on crime. I will say that both the NATO 5.56mm round (think M16) and the Soviet 7.62mm round (think AK47 and SKS) are VERY fun to shoot. I was surprised how many rounds we fired without killing our shoulders with recoil.
But when all is said and done please remember, shotguns are by far the best home defence weapons. Just point and click.
As for the puppy pee pee, try some baking soda mxied with water. Mix em up, put it on the offending spot, let sit for maybe 30 to 45 mins then vacuum it up. Don't use too much h2o.
The ban on assault weapons outlawed many rifles that were military surplus and/or military styled. It targeted items like barrel length, bayonette lugs, ammo clip capacity and flash suppressors to define "assault weapons". Almost every defining feature was cosmetic or ergonomic and simply made the rifles appear "military." These weapons were never the choice of criminals as they are bulky and not easily consealed nor are they well suited for fighting at close quarters. Given all that, there is almost no preban info to suggest that banning such weapons would reduce crime and there is a derth of evidence since the ban to suggest it had any discernable effect on crime. I will say that both the NATO 5.56mm round (think M16) and the Soviet 7.62mm round (think AK47 and SKS) are VERY fun to shoot. I was surprised how many rounds we fired without killing our shoulders with recoil.
But when all is said and done please remember, shotguns are by far the best home defence weapons. Just point and click.
As for the puppy pee pee, try some baking soda mxied with water. Mix em up, put it on the offending spot, let sit for maybe 30 to 45 mins then vacuum it up. Don't use too much h2o.
On Tue Sep 21, 07:54:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Republican Bud, I am so proud of you, that you actually read documents! That is great! I hope you read even the stuff that takes shrub to task too. They really are even handed and will hit both sides on their distortions.