Friday, October 01, 2004
And the Winner is.....
John Kerry!!!!!
Folks John Kerry won last night's debate hands down. Even the republican operatives concede this. I can't tell you how satisfied I am with the results of this debate. Kerry came off as calm and cool, and Presidential. shrub came off as a shifty, agitated,distressed, and confused man. He made all sorts of faces while John Kerry was speaking.
It was really a gas to watch the split screen on C-SPAN, we were in stitches! The flash polls came in and they ALL gave John Kerry a huge advantage over shrub in who did better in the first debate. If you missed the debate, read the full transcript.
t r u t h o u t - Bush v. Kerry: The Full Debate Transcript
One review I read about the debate that said that shrub looked like a man who has always been surrounded by yes men, who always tell him he is doing a great job, and that he was really taken aback with the direct attacks by John Kerry, and that knocked him off his game.
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | It Was a Rout
Folks John Kerry won last night's debate hands down. Even the republican operatives concede this. I can't tell you how satisfied I am with the results of this debate. Kerry came off as calm and cool, and Presidential. shrub came off as a shifty, agitated,distressed, and confused man. He made all sorts of faces while John Kerry was speaking.

It was really a gas to watch the split screen on C-SPAN, we were in stitches! The flash polls came in and they ALL gave John Kerry a huge advantage over shrub in who did better in the first debate. If you missed the debate, read the full transcript.
t r u t h o u t - Bush v. Kerry: The Full Debate Transcript
One review I read about the debate that said that shrub looked like a man who has always been surrounded by yes men, who always tell him he is doing a great job, and that he was really taken aback with the direct attacks by John Kerry, and that knocked him off his game.
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | It Was a Rout
"This is what happens when you surround yourself with yes-men. John Kerry put the bricks to Bush and the last four years of his administration clearly, concisely, eloquently and with devastating effect. Bush reacted like a man who has never, ever had anyone tell him anything other than 'Good job, sir.' "
posted by digitaljay @ 5:51 PM MST
On Tue Oct 05, 10:48:00 AM MDT,
digitaljay said...

I did notice Not so Anonymous. I chose to watch the debate on C-SPAN, and they had the split screen for the ENTIRE debate, so I got to see all the precious shrub looks and head shakes, and bewilderment! It was really great. Since faux news was controlling the pool cameras for the debate that night, they made the top of shrub and kerry's heads at the same level, even though the difference in mic lengths and the height of shrub's podium were obvious with the split screen.
Yeah VT won, good game, I was going to post a really cool picture of our quarterback during the game, but I decided this blog was too political for that. I don't know.
Oh and I changed the new blog look so that the comments appear like the old blog look comments. Now the user and time appears before the comment with the graphic bubble, so that should make it easier to read. Just thought that might be better, see if you like it.
Yeah VT won, good game, I was going to post a really cool picture of our quarterback during the game, but I decided this blog was too political for that. I don't know.
Oh and I changed the new blog look so that the comments appear like the old blog look comments. Now the user and time appears before the comment with the graphic bubble, so that should make it easier to read. Just thought that might be better, see if you like it.