Monday, October 04, 2004
Monday, Debate Tomorrow
Well its Monday AGAIN! Another week. Tomorrow is the Vice Presidential Debate. Should be fun. Well a bunch of those POS polls now have Kerry up or even with shrub. What is interesting is that the Gallup Poll, which I have been pretty annoyed with because their survey sample was disproportionately more Republican than Democrat, in the last poll by 11%. Well the newest poll from after the debate, now has a more correct proportion of Democrat and Republican, and now shows the race is tied NATIONALLY, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, at 49% each.
Well what else is going on? We went to see Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry
And I know what you are going to say, propaganda flick. Ah but it is not, it takes a look at the experiences of Vietnam veterans, who upon coming home from the war, realized that that war was wrong. These men had the COURAGE to not take the easy way out and go about their lives like everything was fine. They stood up and they made themselves heard!
Behind us in the theatre was a man who started to sob as we watched vets throw their medals over the fence, in protest of the war. He must have been a vet himself, but he sobbed through most of the latter part of the film. That made the movie even more powerful to me and Leah. I would highly recommend it. After watching the movie you will have greater understanding of why some veterans felt that John Kerry betrayed them, but I submit that he did not betray them at ALL, but rather the opposite, he SAVED them!
These vets came home and they were shunned by their country. It was not John Kerry who caused that, it was for this reason that John Kerry felt the need to speak out, to accuse the powers that were running this war, General Westmoreland, and others. To hold them accountable for what they had made our soldiers do.
Ok enough, please watch the debate tomorrow. And don't forget to register to vote if you haven't already. Most deadlines are here. And don't forget to vote on November 2nd.
Well what else is going on? We went to see Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry

Behind us in the theatre was a man who started to sob as we watched vets throw their medals over the fence, in protest of the war. He must have been a vet himself, but he sobbed through most of the latter part of the film. That made the movie even more powerful to me and Leah. I would highly recommend it. After watching the movie you will have greater understanding of why some veterans felt that John Kerry betrayed them, but I submit that he did not betray them at ALL, but rather the opposite, he SAVED them!
These vets came home and they were shunned by their country. It was not John Kerry who caused that, it was for this reason that John Kerry felt the need to speak out, to accuse the powers that were running this war, General Westmoreland, and others. To hold them accountable for what they had made our soldiers do.
Ok enough, please watch the debate tomorrow. And don't forget to register to vote if you haven't already. Most deadlines are here. And don't forget to vote on November 2nd.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:06 PM MST