Friday, November 05, 2004
What Is It?
Ok tell me. The two people who still read this blog. What the hell was this election about? Tell me. I mean I can spout all kinds of ideas, but when it comes down to it, I really don't know. Here's the thing. I think I am hearing that people in the so called "red states" think that people in the so called "blue states" are immoral, and need to be put in their place. Well ok, you got us! You effectively have more representation in the electoral college than the people in the blue states, and you told us immoral folk to go scratch. But you know what? We aren't immoral at all. We just don't see how protecting marriage from the GAYS is moral, and more important than protecting the poor from hunger. We don't understand how pretending that this president's performance doesn't matter, so long as he shares your values, is the MORAL thing to do!
What the F**K?!!! So tell me, tell me what the answer is?
And oh yeah by the way, there is alot of talk about the red states and the blue states, but you know what the truth is we are all different shades of purple.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
What the F**K?!!! So tell me, tell me what the answer is?
And oh yeah by the way, there is alot of talk about the red states and the blue states, but you know what the truth is we are all different shades of purple.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:01 PM MST
On Sat Nov 06, 04:44:00 PM MST,
digitaljay said...

Just to comment on the latest comment, after reading the article it becomes apparent to me that the perpetrators of this crime were not supporters of John Kerry. Hopefully we are in agreement with that. Since the picture was a two headed, shrub and kerry. I suspect it was anti-war or green activists.
Anyways I just wanted to clear that up.
Anyways I just wanted to clear that up.