Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Rice, and Oil for Food
Well Condi Rice took some questioning from the Senate today for the confirmation process to confirm her as the next Secretary of State.
Rice spars with Democrats in hearing
Other news: Man Faces Charges in Oil-for-Food Probe

Rice spars with Democrats in hearing
"'Your loyalty to your mission you were given overwhelmed your respect for the truth, and I don't say it lightly,' [Senator Barbara] Boxer said.Ah Boxer with the right hook! The credibility of Rice and this administration is suspect at best, after all of this Iraq war, WMDs, etc. I have serious reservations about whether it is best to give the keys to the State Department to this woman, when our diplomacy is already in the tank. But oh well.
'I have never, ever lost respect for the truth in service of anything,' Rice replied coolly. 'It is not my nature, it is not my character. And I would hope that we can have this conversation ... without impugning my credibility or my integrity.'"
"'The time for diplomacy is now,' she[Rice] said in a remark that appeared aimed at critics who accuse the administration of go-it-alone tactics.EXACTLY Joe Biden, EXACTLY!
That brought a sharp retort from the panel's senior Democrat, Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware: 'The time for diplomacy is long overdue.'"
Other news: Man Faces Charges in Oil-for-Food Probe
"An Iraqi-American businessman, accused of pocketing millions of dollars through the U.N. oil-for-food program with Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to acting as an illegal agent of Saddam Hussein's government.More to come I'm sure. Get them all, I bet some will lead to people you wouldn't expect, or maybe you would.
Samir A.. Vincent, 64, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Annandale, Va., is the first person to be charged in the Justice Department's investigation of the program, which U.N. audits have shown was badly mismanaged."
posted by digitaljay @ 9:03 PM MST
On Thu Jan 20, 03:59:00 PM MST,
Anonymous said...

I am glad someone is standing up for the democrats. Barbara Boxer is now my new god.