Thursday, February 03, 2005
State of the Union Recap
Ok well in case you missed it. Here is the transcript of last night's State of the Union speech.
This speech had quite a few code words in it. You know when you have to use code words maybe there is something amiss. For example.
Read my lips: A flat tax would be destructive to our country. Borrowing from our future, at the rate this president is doing, we can ill afford to remove further tax revenue from the system.
Or how about
Oh more code words:
Oh and I won't even touch Social Security tonight. This post is already way too long, I will leave that discussion until tomorrow.
This speech had quite a few code words in it. You know when you have to use code words maybe there is something amiss. For example.
"I've appointed a bipartisan panel to examine the tax code from top to bottom. And when their recommendations are delivered, you and I will work together to give this nation a tax code that is pro-growth, easy to understand, and fair to all."Emphasis added by me. Fair to all is a code word (phrase, if you will) for a flat tax. Why not just say, a flat tax? Why because he knows that if he says that people will be up in arms.
Read my lips: A flat tax would be destructive to our country. Borrowing from our future, at the rate this president is doing, we can ill afford to remove further tax revenue from the system.
Or how about
"I support a constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage."Just say to "ban gay marriage". Damn! Oh and on that subject; from talk out of both sides of your mouth file:
"Government is not the source of these [moral] values, but government should never undermine them.Uh... if government is not the source of these moral values, then how can you support a constitutional amendment to enforce this moral value??? All within 15 seconds. Amazing!
Because marriage is a sacred institution and the foundation of society, it should not be re-defined by activist judges. For the good of families, children, and society, I support a constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage."
Oh more code words:
"Because courts must always deliver impartial justice, judges have a duty to faithfully interpret the law, not legislate from the bench.""Legislate from the bench" is code for, make a ruling that the Republican party does not like. Its ridiculous! The judicial branch must have independence, and not be compromised by the possibility of political attacks. Stop degrading our judicial branch, mr. president! This is part of the attack this administration has waged on the other two branches of the government in an effort to concentrate power in the Executive branch.
Oh and I won't even touch Social Security tonight. This post is already way too long, I will leave that discussion until tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 8:14 PM MST
On Fri Feb 04, 07:38:00 PM MST,
Anonymous said...

American Idol got WAY higher ratings than the Pres during the speech. Perhaps we can have hope in that not many are listening to him......I guess I am still in denial that we are apparently headed down the path to right-wing extemism (sp).
BTW: My first post here, but have been reading for a while. Nice job - keep it up!
BTW: My first post here, but have been reading for a while. Nice job - keep it up!
On Mon Feb 07, 11:50:00 PM MST,
digitaljay said...
Thank you W11 for reading. I'm glad you enjoy it. I will continue writing here as often as I can.
Now Rep Bud. I have actually talked about the elections in Iraq. Take a look at Tuesday Feb. 1. I know you have read it, because you made comments.
"Well Iraq held the first post Saddam election on Sunday. Things went pretty well. Hopefully this mess is getting straightened out and we are heading in the right direction now. Only time will tell." Direct quote from my post; and it still stands today. Votes are still being counted, we do not have final numbers, and we do not know how things are going to go, whether or not the Sunni muslims will accept this election or cause further problems. So what exactly would you like me to comment on rep bud? I HOPE that this is the beginning of a stable Iraq.
And "disrespectful catcalls heard during the State of the Union address"???!!!! Oh my you know what? I am going to do it. You are a god damn hypocrite! Because you KNOW that if that was Bill CLinton up there in a State of the Union speech and some Republicans jeered during a part of his speech that they felt was MISLEADING, that you would be arguing the EXACT OPPOSITE! Please! I wish to GOD that we had a system such as in Great Britain where the prime minister, in this case the President had to answer to the Congress on a regular basis. As it stands now he doesn't have to answer any questions. The only time he does is if he holds a press conference, and even then that is so orchastrated now as to be nearly useless. More on that point tomorrow as well.
But please don't push this disrespectful act. Just as you did when a soldier asked Rumsfeld a question. You claimed the same damn argument and it was ridiculous then too. Question and descent is not disrespectful, it is ESSENTIAL to our democaracy, especially in these times.
Now Rep Bud. I have actually talked about the elections in Iraq. Take a look at Tuesday Feb. 1. I know you have read it, because you made comments.
"Well Iraq held the first post Saddam election on Sunday. Things went pretty well. Hopefully this mess is getting straightened out and we are heading in the right direction now. Only time will tell." Direct quote from my post; and it still stands today. Votes are still being counted, we do not have final numbers, and we do not know how things are going to go, whether or not the Sunni muslims will accept this election or cause further problems. So what exactly would you like me to comment on rep bud? I HOPE that this is the beginning of a stable Iraq.
And "disrespectful catcalls heard during the State of the Union address"???!!!! Oh my you know what? I am going to do it. You are a god damn hypocrite! Because you KNOW that if that was Bill CLinton up there in a State of the Union speech and some Republicans jeered during a part of his speech that they felt was MISLEADING, that you would be arguing the EXACT OPPOSITE! Please! I wish to GOD that we had a system such as in Great Britain where the prime minister, in this case the President had to answer to the Congress on a regular basis. As it stands now he doesn't have to answer any questions. The only time he does is if he holds a press conference, and even then that is so orchastrated now as to be nearly useless. More on that point tomorrow as well.
But please don't push this disrespectful act. Just as you did when a soldier asked Rumsfeld a question. You claimed the same damn argument and it was ridiculous then too. Question and descent is not disrespectful, it is ESSENTIAL to our democaracy, especially in these times.