Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Rice Confirmed, shrub Press Conference?
Wow! shrub held a press conference. That is amazing! The man is scared sh*tless to hold press conferences, so I was stunned when I heard him start talking as I was getting ready this morning. The usual bullsh*t.
Man he looks silly in this pose.
Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Lowers Expectations
He said ridiculous things like some people are trying to strike fear in people by saying that nothing is wrong with Social Security. Uh hello?! That is one of the most ironic things I have heard the idiot say in awhile. It is you and your administration who are striking fear in people by telling them there is a crisis in social security! Jeez, unbelievable. What a dumbass.
Oh yeah and the lowering of expectations for the Iraqi election continues. Upon the press asking him what kind of voter turnout would be considered a successful Iraqi election. To which he replied, "The fact that they're voting in itself is successful".
Ok what else? Well the Rice has been confirmed.
Rice sworn in as secretary of state: "The [full Senate vote] tally, though one-sided at 85-13, was still the largest 'no' vote against any secretary of state nominee since 1825."
Now that is what I like to hear. At least a handful of Senators can stand up and vote no on this atrocious appointment. Well let the games begin!

Man he looks silly in this pose.
Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Lowers Expectations
He said ridiculous things like some people are trying to strike fear in people by saying that nothing is wrong with Social Security. Uh hello?! That is one of the most ironic things I have heard the idiot say in awhile. It is you and your administration who are striking fear in people by telling them there is a crisis in social security! Jeez, unbelievable. What a dumbass.
Oh yeah and the lowering of expectations for the Iraqi election continues. Upon the press asking him what kind of voter turnout would be considered a successful Iraqi election. To which he replied, "The fact that they're voting in itself is successful".
Ok what else? Well the Rice has been confirmed.
Rice sworn in as secretary of state: "The [full Senate vote] tally, though one-sided at 85-13, was still the largest 'no' vote against any secretary of state nominee since 1825."
Now that is what I like to hear. At least a handful of Senators can stand up and vote no on this atrocious appointment. Well let the games begin!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:31 PM MST
On Thu Jan 27, 11:26:00 AM MST,
digitaljay said...

Thank you NsA. I was about to comment on that fact too. But I would have flown off the handle.
First of all my dear misguided republican. Why is it that you think you have all the answers? You think you know that the only way to save this 'sinking ship' is these private accounts that even many republican representatives have said is a bad idea. Could it possibly be that maybe when the system is in financial trouble and the country has debt like at no time before, that maybe instituting a program like private accounts that could cost $1-2 trillian in transistion costs alone is a bad idea?
Why would you say that ANYONE who thinks that maybe this is less of an idea on how to fix the system, and more of an idea on how to forward a specific agenda that says the government should provide next to nothing for its citizens, is wrong? And then go on to call us all socialists for this crazy idea of maybe looking at something else besides throwing part of our retirement program to the HOLY market!
God you idealogues annoy me. The mantra is Government BAD Market GOOD! Grunt Grunt, and that is it. Black and white, all the time, no exceptions. Don't look at the situation comprehensively, just put these pigeon holes over it and that is the way we will go.
It is RIDICULOUS! It is misguided and it is dangerous. Why must everyone be socialists who advocate for helping people through government programs? Because we all know you are not simply using the word in it technical definition, you are trying to tar us with the totalirianist, communist hue of the past, as in your comment such as
"...the Socialist Dems will be relegated to the trash pile of history. Much like the Communist Soviets."
Your despise for any descension in political dialogue is worrisome. Do I like most republican ideas? NO! Do I want the republicans to be in the trashbin of history? NO! Do I want that party to move to a more moderate position? YES!
Get a grip!
First of all my dear misguided republican. Why is it that you think you have all the answers? You think you know that the only way to save this 'sinking ship' is these private accounts that even many republican representatives have said is a bad idea. Could it possibly be that maybe when the system is in financial trouble and the country has debt like at no time before, that maybe instituting a program like private accounts that could cost $1-2 trillian in transistion costs alone is a bad idea?
Why would you say that ANYONE who thinks that maybe this is less of an idea on how to fix the system, and more of an idea on how to forward a specific agenda that says the government should provide next to nothing for its citizens, is wrong? And then go on to call us all socialists for this crazy idea of maybe looking at something else besides throwing part of our retirement program to the HOLY market!
God you idealogues annoy me. The mantra is Government BAD Market GOOD! Grunt Grunt, and that is it. Black and white, all the time, no exceptions. Don't look at the situation comprehensively, just put these pigeon holes over it and that is the way we will go.
It is RIDICULOUS! It is misguided and it is dangerous. Why must everyone be socialists who advocate for helping people through government programs? Because we all know you are not simply using the word in it technical definition, you are trying to tar us with the totalirianist, communist hue of the past, as in your comment such as
"...the Socialist Dems will be relegated to the trash pile of history. Much like the Communist Soviets."
Your despise for any descension in political dialogue is worrisome. Do I like most republican ideas? NO! Do I want the republicans to be in the trashbin of history? NO! Do I want that party to move to a more moderate position? YES!
Get a grip!
On Fri Jan 28, 09:06:00 AM MST,
digitaljay said...
Are you for real? This is your comeback? Wow! Yeah that was a personal attack, and just because I write the word idiot in my posts to describe someone doesn't mean you using that word somehow exempts you, sheesh. Nice to see that you have no response to any ACTUAL points that I made in my comments.