Disconnected Rumblings

Monday, August 22, 2005

More Ripoffs

Well just to show that ripping off the American people is not just for the UN anymore, there was this news today.

Ex-Halliburton worker pleads guilty to bribes
"A former Halliburton Co. worker pleaded guilty late last week to taking more than $110,000 in bribes from an Iraqi company in 2004 and defrauding the United States, court documents showed."
I know, its only $110,000 the Oil for Food scandal is some millions or was it billions? Anyways, its just interesting news considering that Halliburton maintains that they are fully straight and in line.

Oh and then:

Iraqi Parliament Delays Constitution Vote
"In another dramatic last-minute standoff, Iraqi leaders put off a vote on a draft constitution Monday, adjourning parliament at a midnight deadline in a bid for three more days to win over the Sunni Arab minority whose support is key to stopping the insurgency."
And let me just clear something up, I don't want this constitution thrown together with duct tape, I assumed they were pretty close to having the document completed and were simply delaying because of political wrangling or whatever. And I thought that if a delay like that caused the government to dissolve then the chaos that would ensue would be very destructive.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:34 PM MST


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