Disconnected Rumblings

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Eve

Well its that time of year again. Time to eat too much turkey, drink too much wine, eat too many pieces of pie.

Its a time to give thanks for all that we have. Especially to give thanks that we live in this wonderful country that affords us all of these freedoms. We truly are all trailblazers in this world. Not very long ago most countries in the world didn't allow people to freely worship a god of their choosing, including NOT worshiping any god at all. It wasn't very long ago that other countries didn't allow their people to freely express themselves, to marry who they wanted, to live how they wanted.

Oh wait we, the true trailblazers for the world, are now actively working to prevent our citizens from being able to marry. We are so full of ourselves that we have the audacity to tell two people who are in love with each other, that no sorry, we have altered the state constitution to ban gay marriage.

It is WRONG! And all of you people who don't see that are wrong! This is not some cute issue to take sides on because you think that gay people are trying to take over the country. This is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue! How many times do I have to say this?

Don't you people see? The people who want to ban gay marriage are saying that they are better then gay people. That gay people do not deserve the same rights that they have. This folks is discrimination plain and simple. This IS history repeating itself, as much as you all don't want to admit it.

This is nearly the same issues that this country faced during the end of the civil rights movement. After the slaves had been freed for decades, there were still hundreds, if not thousands of laws on the books across these fine states, that continued to discriminate against African Americans. And even when most laws were abolished they were still faced with racism. They were not given loans that white people were given. They were not hired for jobs they were qualified for, simply because of the color of their skin.

Well guess what. This is the civil rights struggle of the 21st century. This is in the news today.

Battle intensifies over gay marriage in Massachusetts
"A loose coalition of conservative and Christian groups seeking to ban same-sex marriage had to gather at least 65,825 signatures before state lawmakers could decide whether to put the question to a public referendum in 2008.

On Wednesday, as a deadline passed to submit the signatures to town and city clerks who must check their authenticity, jubilant officials at the Massachusetts Family Institute and other conservatives announced they had found solid support."
Solid support it just makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy that these supposed religious and kind hearted people want to discriminate against their own.
"Texas this month became the 19th U.S. state to approve a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. But reflecting a mixed national mood, Maine voters this month rejected a conservative-backed proposal to repeal a gay-rights law."
F**K YOU TEXAS! Go back to Mexico! But this part gives me hope for our future.
"An ABC/Washington Post poll in January found that 41 percent of American adults thought gay marriage and civil unions should be legal and 55 percent did not.

But that poll also showed a conflicting view among people in the prime marrying ages of between 18 to 29 -- 55 percent of that group supported gay marriage and 42 percent did not."
So maybe, just maybe, when all of you hateful bastards die off we will finally live in a better society where each and every one of us will TRULY be equal.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:28 PM MST


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