Monday, November 07, 2005
Bush Declares: 'We Do Not Torture'

You f**king bastard! You have the audacity to LIE to the face of each one of us on national TV! What you have done in our name, is shameful, and if you believe in hell then I think you and all the people who condoned this will be there. You make me SICK. The fact that most of us are just turning our head and avoiding these facts is shameful enough as well.
You sir, don't deserve any mercy. You trivialize all of these very serious matters. You aren't living in reality, I don't think you realize the consequences of your actions. You don't realize that the people you sent off to war will be scarred for life (the ones that make it back that is). You don't realize that by torturing these people, some who are innocent, that you have effectively made it all the more likely that our troops, our men and women when captured in future conflicts will face the same treatment.
The damage you have done to our country is immense, and much of it irreversible. And you have the repugnant fortitude to say to US, "We do not torture"?!
"President Bush on Monday defended U.S. interrogation practices and called the treatment of terrorism suspects lawful. 'We do not torture,' Bush declared in response to reports of secret CIA prisons overseas."Could have fooled me!

You f**king bastard! You have the audacity to LIE to the face of each one of us on national TV! What you have done in our name, is shameful, and if you believe in hell then I think you and all the people who condoned this will be there. You make me SICK. The fact that most of us are just turning our head and avoiding these facts is shameful enough as well.
You sir, don't deserve any mercy. You trivialize all of these very serious matters. You aren't living in reality, I don't think you realize the consequences of your actions. You don't realize that the people you sent off to war will be scarred for life (the ones that make it back that is). You don't realize that by torturing these people, some who are innocent, that you have effectively made it all the more likely that our troops, our men and women when captured in future conflicts will face the same treatment.
The damage you have done to our country is immense, and much of it irreversible. And you have the repugnant fortitude to say to US, "We do not torture"?!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:38 PM MST