Disconnected Rumblings

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The State of the Union is Poor

Well today Samuel Alito was sworn in as the 110th Justice of the Supreme Court. A sad sad day for our country indeed. Unfortunately this man will probably be on the Supreme Court for 30 or more years. I fear for our country. This court has taken a hard right and it is very disturbing. This man is a rubber stamp for this administration and their increasing desire for more executive power. We shall see how this pans out, but I am not very optimistic.

In other news there was this thing, called the State of the Union speech. I could run down a litany list of things that were uttered, but one thing really made me angry.

So here's the transcript of the speech.

President Bush's State of the Union Address

I want to hone in on this one point. shrub says this:
"Yet the tax relief is set to expire in the next few years.

If we do nothing, American families will face a massive tax increase they do not expect and will not welcome.

Because America needs more than a temporary expansion, we need more than temporary tax relief.

I urge the Congress to act responsibly and make the tax cuts permanent."
How the f*ck can you sit there and talk about making these tax cuts permanent when are budget deficits are out of this world, higher than they have ever been? And when you are sinking so low to actually cut funding for college loan assistance for the very people who need the help the most? You have no shame! You are pushing these tax cuts which overwhelmingly benefit the more wealthy, at the expense of our kids being able to get a college education, at the cost of the highest national debt in our history. Unbelievable. Keep relying on the fact that most of us won't even notice. But you know what, you are going to get burned.

Good luck Republicans, your time in power is coming to an end.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:56 PM MST


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