Disconnected Rumblings

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Yeah, What Can You Say?

Army to Send Body Armor Plates to Iraq
"The Army plans to send thousands of ceramic body armor plates to Iraq this year to better protect soldiers while the Marine Corps already is delivering such gear, military officers said Wednesday.

In a private appearance before members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the officers defended the body armor available to U.S. troops. A Pentagon study done last summer but only disclosed recently found that improved armor may have prevented or minimized torso wounds that proved fatal to Marines in Iraq.
After the briefing, Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Sorenson said the Army decided to send soldiers side protective plates after troops driving military vehicles made the suggestion over the past year."
About f*cking time!

Pentagon briefs lawmakers on adequacy of body armor
"Democrats in Congress and public interest groups have pressed the George W. Bush administration for improved equipment for US troops, after the New York Times last week reported that an internal Pentagon study concluded that as many as 80 percent of the marines killed in Iraq from upper body wounds could have survived had they had extra body armor."
Son of a bitch! I want to KILL all the f*cking bureaucrats who have kept our troops from getting the armor they need. If even half of the percentage of troops killed could have been saved by extra body armor, then I want f*cking revenge! Where is the goddamn outrage?! Oh right this is just me being a liberal reactionary. Ok nevermind the fact that we could have saved the precious lives of our soldiers, over in Iraq.

These are not just names dammit! These could be your neighbor, your college friend, your co-worker's son or daughter. When will it sink in that our country, our government did NOT do all they could do have done to save the lives of our soldiers.

DAMMIT! Why do I feel like I am screaming into a dead microphone, and the auditorium is empty?
posted by digitaljay @ 9:51 PM MST


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