Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Here are some pictures and things
I promised I would be back today. Though I don't think I will address much content, but I have found some images I would like to share.
My friend Brent mentioned after reading an earlier post of mine that while I am talking about Bush being a hypocrite why didn't I mention how he is a supposed Christian, yet he strongly supports the death penalty. Not only strongly supports but I believe he put more people to death in Texas than any other governor, but I'm not sure about that. Anyways I found this image and it gave me another point to make about Bush and his hypocritical ways.
This image just reminds me how much Bush really was involved with Enron(this pic shows Bush with Ken Lay, who has now been indicted and arrested for ripping off many many employees). And now that this whole Enron thing went down and Bush and Cheney and Co. just try to distance themselves so much, well this picture serves as a little walk down memory lane.
Ok this picture has a nice caption for you. Here is a link to a story about it. Basically they want to run this billboard ad in NYC from August 2nd until election day, but Clear Channel doesn't want to let them. Anyways read for yourself. I like the ad myself.
There has been alot of talk that the Department of Defense and the State Department don't get along at all. Specifically Donald Rumsfeld(DoD), is characterized as a war hawk, neo-conservative and Colin Powell(State Dept) is said to have butted heads with Rumsfeld because he wanted to try Diplomacy first(how crazy). Anyways they both deny it publicly, so I just thought I would post this interesting picture. Everyone has disagreements right? I'm sure they were just debating whether or not tonight's poker game would be Texas Hold 'Em or 5 card stud.
Ok and to end this post tonight I thought I would give you a link to a nice little comic strip.
This Modern World: The Liberal Media Compares the Candidates
Have a good night.

My friend Brent mentioned after reading an earlier post of mine that while I am talking about Bush being a hypocrite why didn't I mention how he is a supposed Christian, yet he strongly supports the death penalty. Not only strongly supports but I believe he put more people to death in Texas than any other governor, but I'm not sure about that. Anyways I found this image and it gave me another point to make about Bush and his hypocritical ways.

This image just reminds me how much Bush really was involved with Enron(this pic shows Bush with Ken Lay, who has now been indicted and arrested for ripping off many many employees). And now that this whole Enron thing went down and Bush and Cheney and Co. just try to distance themselves so much, well this picture serves as a little walk down memory lane.

Ok this picture has a nice caption for you. Here is a link to a story about it. Basically they want to run this billboard ad in NYC from August 2nd until election day, but Clear Channel doesn't want to let them. Anyways read for yourself. I like the ad myself.

There has been alot of talk that the Department of Defense and the State Department don't get along at all. Specifically Donald Rumsfeld(DoD), is characterized as a war hawk, neo-conservative and Colin Powell(State Dept) is said to have butted heads with Rumsfeld because he wanted to try Diplomacy first(how crazy). Anyways they both deny it publicly, so I just thought I would post this interesting picture. Everyone has disagreements right? I'm sure they were just debating whether or not tonight's poker game would be Texas Hold 'Em or 5 card stud.
Ok and to end this post tonight I thought I would give you a link to a nice little comic strip.
This Modern World: The Liberal Media Compares the Candidates
Have a good night.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:20 PM MST