Disconnected Rumblings

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Excuse me Mrs. Laura Bush!

Excuse me, but how dare you Mrs. Bush! How dare you say that John Kerry is being misleading about stem cell research! Who the hell do you think you are? You who have done nothing for women's rights in this country, besides offering your cookie recipe to the family circle magazine! Now you decide to enter the public discourse to deride John Kerry's stance on stem cell research?! Somebody ought to give you a piece of their mind! And who better than me?

Yahoo! News - First Lady Bashes Kerry Stem Cell Stance

"We don't even know that stem cell research will provide cures for anything -- much less that it's very close" to yielding major advances, Bush said.
This is NOT the point at all Mrs. Bush! Not at ALL! The point is that people all over this country, and all over the world are suffering NOW! Right now! It is simply not fair to ask them to just have patience while we debate whether this research MAY have ANY effect at all in helping with these diseases, and then maybe if we decide it MAY help that we can then think about changing these backasswards policies to allow less restrictions on this new scientific research!

"I hope that stem cell research will yield cures," the first lady said. "But I know that embryonic stem cell research is very preliminary right now and the implication that cures for Alzheimer's are around the corner is just not right and it's really not fair to people who are watching a loved one suffer with this disease."
Oh you've got me seething now you blithering IDIOT! No one is claiming we have some magic wand that will miraculously cure everyone, all we are saying is that it is WRONG, yes WRONG to stifle research in such a "preliminary" field because of political ideology! Did you not listen to what Ron Reagan had to say?
Text, **Video [Highspeed]**, Video [Dial-up]
Well why don't you take a look?! Take a look at where he talks about YOUR husband's atrocious stance on stem cell research. LOOK!

The fact is that your husband, Mrs. Bush, decided that, even in the face of a National Institutes of Health report (Online NewsHour Update: NIH Releases Stem Cell Study) indicating the promise that stem cell research may hold, any stem cell lines created after the date of your speech to the nation on August 9, 2001 would be ineligible for federal funds for research. The problem is that your husband thereby limited the funding of such research to 71 lines, and at one point, only one stem cell line! Now we have only 21 viable lines. While this may be enough for you, I don't believe it is enough for the world.

"It's not fair" to raise false hopes "because stem cell research is very, very preliminary," said Laura Bush.
Well I'll tell you what Laura Bush, HOPE is all we have, and how dare you dash those hopes by saying they are false hopes!

If there was ANY CHANCE that my brother with Cerebral Palsy had a chance to walk, to not have his brain constantly sending the wrong signals to his muscles forcing them to contract and jerk, to be able to live a somewhat normal life;

if there was ANY CHANCE that my father's brother in-law could live without the effects of Parkinson's disease;

if there was ANY CHANCE that diabetics like my Aunt Ellen or any other diabetic could live life without daily shots, without worrying about losing limbs or worse;

if there was ANY CHANCE that our mothers and fathers might not have to face the crushing reality of Alzheimer's stealing of their memories;

if there is ANY CHANCE, ANY CHANCE of any of these things then we OWE it to ourselves to provide no boundarys, no restrictions, no impediments, NOW. Not later, not after a hardy debate about which side is right or wrong. NOW!

Do it NOW. Human suffering should be something all of us would work to try to stop. Do it now. It is the only humane thing to do.

Want to know more about stem cell research, the facts that is? Please go here and decide for yourself whether this is something that we should be funding fully.
Online NewsHour -- Stem Cell Research
posted by digitaljay @ 6:25 PM MST


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