Disconnected Rumblings

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Oh what a day

Well well, as some of you may know we had some heated comments going on in the blog today. Anyways let me enlighten you all some more :)

AlterNet: MediaCulture: Political Barbies
You know when most of that liberal media has been giving Teresa Heinz Kerry a hard time about being "too outspoken" or "too opinionated", all I could think about was, well what did these people want?! Another Laura Bush, who just sits there and smiles, and is shown reading to children or passing recipes around? Well that article addresses all of these things. It is disgusting when a Newsweek article is headlined and I QUOTE!

"Teresa: Is John Kerry's Heiress Wife a Loose Cannon-or Crazy Like a Fox?"

What the hell kind of headline is that?! Is she bad or bad? That isn't a choice, that is telling you what to think of her, that my friends amounts to character assassination.

AlterNet: Election 2004: It's about the Teachers
Ok this one's for you Leah, and all you teachers or teachers to be. Imagine this, and yeah I am talking to you Republican Bud, John Kerry actually has an education plan that has some new ideas in it! Take a read. Pay raises for good teachers whose students show results. And not just mandatory raises for seniority. Anyways you can read the rest.

t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time
I know I linked this article in earlier posts today BUT this article really disturbed me. This article is a staggering indictment of the electronic voting systems that are in place around the country, and the reasons why some don't want to change out these machines which are possibly susceptible to tampering. Hey RB remember Election 2000, HERE is where we should remember the debacle that was the 2000 election.

Ok put that in your noodle and cook it. Wait that didn't make any sense. Sorry I will try harder next time.
posted by digitaljay @ 7:58 PM MST


On Wed Aug 04, 08:39:00 AM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...
"But before I go, it looks like most people in Missouri agree with me and Anon ref gay marriage"

kudos. You have the "show me state" on your side. So you need other people agreeing with you to feel better about what you believe. Just because many people say something doesn't make it right or true. Everyone thought the world was flat....ooops.

Here is a blip from ammendment 14:

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States"

Here is a blip from ammendment 1:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Mr. Bush isn't doing this because he was appauled by "the crying game", he is not doing this because he felt icky when Ave Ventura kissed Ray Finkle (oh man that was funny though eh?? Remember when he used his butt to talk..........what, oh right). He is doing this because of his religious beliefs. And I again refer you to the above blip:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

There is an amendment that says he can't do this, yet he is. How wonderful is that

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
On Wed Aug 04, 11:24:00 AM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...
"People with opposing views are not evil. Nor sometimes are they miguided. They just see it different"

This was a comment that YOU made under one of the "ronnie dugger" posts by digitaljay. So that is what you believe? That people JUST SEE IT DIFFERENT, right? So then why again did you say this:

"Also, just because ***s and baby killers live and pay taxes in the US does not make them immune from critisism and rebuke. No ****** can tell me that the lust for another of the same sex is normal and acceptable,it is not and will never be so. It is an unhealthy and perverse lifestyle to say the least."

Maybe some people just see it differently and you shouldn't treat people like they are "evil" or "misguided" if they have "opposing views".
On Wed Aug 04, 01:17:00 PM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just read one of the other conversations b/t digitaljay and rep bud, talking about all sorts of good stuff.

Rep bud appears to be one of the most close minded, ignorant people on the planet. What is truly sad, is there are many like you. People like you are what is wrong with our country, the world and the human race. You can't open your mind, you believe in something so much that you feel guilty for questioning it. (this has nothing to do with your choice of president, just the ignorant way in which you live your life)

It saddens me to share the planet with such people. I will pray for you though rep bud, so hopefully one day your eyes will be open.

Now that we got all that seriousness out the way, who wants to go watch Air bud. I have the box set of Air bud 1-7. Damn that dog is good, Is there any sport he can't play?? I still can't wait for 8 and 9. In 8 he beats jeff gordon in nascar, and in 9 he goes back in time to fight muhammad ali.

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